So scenario 4 has been up for 5 days now and I've been wondering what the overall scores are. Does anyone know what the hold up is?
League Scores?
they were going to redo the sheet into team numbers like last time so maybe that's it? Or too busy sorting out Innsmouth?
On our first attempt at Scenario 4, we got 3 points. So The Gamers Denizens of the Deep (8 investigators) currently has 0+28(?)+45+3 points.
Through terrific strategy, planning and 1000 gallons of luck we slaughtered scenario 1 friday and are attemping scenario 2 tonight.
Tactics Master of Team " Buster Heimen and the Gate Rapists"
Scenario Three use Pete and Old Journal to get you clues... we got around 20 doing that.
We got a 26 four and spent a lot to!
We had a blessed Pete with a retainer in our last game + the crowbar -- whoot what an engine! He probably gobbled up over a third of the common item deck while he sat through most of the game in the General Store. Sadly gates kept opening in low-activity areas and the doom track filled up far too quickly so our score wasn't as good as it should have been.
The scores have been updated and I'm pleased to see that my group (Table Top Gamers' Guild) is 8th in the world!
This league has been one of my favorite things for the past few weeks and I am so glad to see how many people are also enjoying the league as well.
And since so many people have been posting scores and stratagies in here I think it is only appropriate to do so as well:
Scen1: 25 - Harvey + Calvin = Win. No monsters can touch his Sanity. Have McGlen give him the Tommy gun and he will mow through all monsters.
Scen2: 29 - McGlen+Calvin completely negates the icy winds and keeps McGlen from having to visit the Asylum as often.
Scen3: 23 - McGlen+Calvin on monster duty while sister mary uses her high luck at the train station to get unique items to help battle shub.
Scen 4: 26 - Harrigan+Calvin kept him out of the streets. McGlen's high stamina made him a good second.
Total so far: 103
I can't wait to see what other surprises this League has in store!
The scores are updated? Where?
On the Arkham Horror Community Page .
we are fated to always be 2nd.
Looks like 111 is a pretty sweet score after all. Time for some mid-league celebration at the next league night!
It looks like we're going to have to give Scenario 1 at least one more try. Having that big egg there for points is really hurting our scores. Plus, I guess I have yet to submit our scores for scenario 4 (I believe it was 35 points, but I don't recall exactly).
I was hoping somebody had tried #5 and posted about it, but I guess the holiday is affecting that.
Hi all,
I am new to the site but have been playing Arkham for a little while now. I have just read the League guidelines and this looks like a great idea and my group have expressed an intrest in playing the scenarios.
I do have a few questions that I hope someone can answer...
Is there any time frame on playing the secenrios & getting results in?
As I have only just found the League can I still send in scores for the earlier scenarios?
Look foward to hearing back soon.
Just set up Scenario 5 -- wow! We chose Marie (to fight & remove a doom token), Joe (to fight), Leo (to heal and hope for a good ally draw), and Pete (to shop and kill things). We paired Calvin with Pete to help him move around.
Then we noticed.... %$#@! all games start with 2 doom tokens because there are an equal number of monsters (zero) in the two street areas. Flipped the Mythos card and the monster, Star Vampire (swell), jumps out but doesn't move into the street -- so 2 more doom tokens next turn.
This may be a short low scoring scenario since the odds are that most games will have 4 doom tokens in play after the second Mythos card flip.
Fun fun fun!
I'm fairly sure it means monsters in locations too, rather than just the streets themselves.
Yup, my bad. I misread the scenario. So we start with 2, but next turn should only be 3. Whew! Thanks!
hmmm... I wonder how long it takes to up date because we have done up to four and they got only up to two.