Have a group going that is already doing one RT campaign, that could use two to three
more people, and want to start another. We would prefer to do an RT campaign as we have
the materials and familiarity but could also do an Only War or standard DH campaign.
The sessions would be on Saturday at around 3PM CST or EST, though this is could
be changed, and last for at least two hours. Need mature players, would have to set aside
time for these sessions, must update group if they cannot make it or need a time change and
why. We have someone that can GM but we are all a bit inexperienced thought very familiar
with setting, mechanics, and actual lore (Nothing from matt ward counts).
Post your time zone, roll20 name, skype name if you have it, what time(s) would work
for you, and possible characters with sheets that you would like to play. Game is somewhat
relaxed but you are expected to still play the role in regards to what you would actually do, no
random killings or blatant heresy, and understand just what it means to be your role and in
the grim dark 40K universe.