LFM to play an RT game.

By DocButcher, in Rogue Trader

Have a group going that is already doing one RT campaign, that could use two to three

more people, and want to start another. We would prefer to do an RT campaign as we have

the materials and familiarity but could also do an Only War or standard DH campaign.

The sessions would be on Saturday at around 3PM CST or EST, though this is could

be changed, and last for at least two hours. Need mature players, would have to set aside

time for these sessions, must update group if they cannot make it or need a time change and

why. We have someone that can GM but we are all a bit inexperienced thought very familiar

with setting, mechanics, and actual lore (Nothing from matt ward counts).

Post your time zone, roll20 name, skype name if you have it, what time(s) would work

for you, and possible characters with sheets that you would like to play. Game is somewhat

relaxed but you are expected to still play the role in regards to what you would actually do, no

random killings or blatant heresy, and understand just what it means to be your role and in

the grim dark 40K universe.

Right now it is looking like we will have one player who would be an arch-militant, another as a astropath/seneshal, and if we get another person to GM then a missionary as well.

Looks interesting sent you a PM, this looks like I could do some GM work just let e know details and how much story driven versus combat driven game you want if you need a GM.

PM sent

Have GM, RT, Arch militant, missionary, and possible seneshal/astropath. Most info is still the same. It will be an RT GM made setting and campaign. Try to make a back story that explains who you are and that the GM could use to create things and help us. Does not have to be long. Play the class you want to play. GM is experienced and while the narrative is fixed the scenarios, locations, etc. are not so we are free to use our imaginations. I am docbutcher/Mr.B on Skype. Send char sheet there, can be a custom char sheet (word doc, excel, etc.). Also, register on goggle+ and obsidian portal. Hope that covers everything. First session will be tomorrow at around 4:30PM CST Saturday. May the Emperor be with you all.

Hi, I'm the RT in this campaign. FYI - we also got an Explorator recently, so keep that in mind.

I am curious, what's the medium for this?

Hi I am the Game Master we might have one slot open; might be able to let you know better next week when we meet again. To answer your question we use Google+ with Roll20.

Is there still room in this game, if so I would like to play an Ork weird boy, i have all the books for Rogue trader. Time zone CTS, Skype Mark_lee312, anytime will work at the moment for the month of december.

Edited by Targost

Hi Targost, I'm the RT in this campaign. I am not diametrically opposed to having an ork among the crew, though I find them relatively useless in anything other than ground combat. I know you suggested weirdboy, they're a bit less useless.

Can they serve as Astropaths, at least? More importantly, have you ever played a navigator? Now, that would be great.

Hi Targost, I'm the RT in this campaign. I am not diametrically opposed to having an ork among the crew, though I find them relatively useless in anything other than ground combat. I know you suggested weirdboy, they're a bit less useless.

Can they serve as Astropaths, at least? More importantly, have you ever played a navigator? Now, that would be great.

Orks make awesome boarding party commanders. They can get Command (their version at least) to ridiculous levels fairly quickly. The Mekboy's ability to kustomize stuff is also pretty good.

Edited by LordBlades

As the GM of Thorns of Indignity I will also point out the fact that Wierdboyz can act like a hybrid of Navigator/Astropaths albeit a bit quirky. Also Targost I sent you a PM with additional information.

As the GM of Thorns of Indignity I will also point out the fact that Wierdboyz can act like a hybrid of Navigator/Astropaths albeit a bit quirky. Also Targost I sent you a PM with additional information.

They work as Astropaths by shouting one word per Willpower Bonus, and no one who hears it thinks they're hearing anything other than an Ork. They work as Navigators by shouting into tubes and performing infinite and senseless auguries to determine where it is they're supposed to go.

It is amazing.


I'm accustomed to playing Navigator. I can't do live sessions though unfortunately. I assume that's what this is with Google+, like hang outs?

Very best,

Yes we do live hangouts; well we do not broadcast the hangout but we use Google_ with the roll20 plugin.