Unofficial Faq - Compilation of answer from around the web

By alogos, in Rules questions & answers

I made a big document with relevant questions & answers that doesn't appear in the 1.7 faq and here's the result.

FAQ 1.7 - 17/03/2015
Printer friendly version

Feel free to give feedback and point out questions I could have missed.

It contains a lot of questions our french community asked and were never translated to english until now.

Edited by alogos

Updated :

- 4 more entries.

- spellcheck

- sources

With sources added, you will see that our french community asked a good number of questions... You might want to check them. I suspect that there may be communities in other languages with questions we could have missed.

- would you like me to add username of the asker ? Now that source were added, you can check for yourself. But it might be nice to have a contributor list.

- would you want to see more lotr artwork ?

Great work :) ! Sources are very helpful.

Username is not essential and the layout is very good as it is now - no more graphics needed, but that's only my opinion.

Keep on updating it!

I agree. It's a great piece of work.

Personally, I agree with krokodiler and I would leave it as it is - just update it as and when new queries are answered.

Thanks alogos!

Great document. You could also add a printer friendly version removing the background and the first page.

Or you could copy paste all the text in notepad and print it ?

That's why I did for the Lotr Rulebook. Had to remove the silly collumn layout with a macro though...

Updated :

- 5 new entries

- 1 old entry missed

- printer friendly version

Updated :

- 21 new entries

- no spellcheck done for now...

Thanks, nice work

cardgamedb forum has like 4 pages worth of nate and Caleb answers are these the same?

A lot come from there, I skip some very few unimportant one.

A lot also come from our french forum, and the remaining is me following both bgg and ffg forum.

Then a lot from cgdb comes from the bgg/ffg forums...

The key is to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them...

Edited by alogos

New update with 8 new entries, Some of them are... weird and mostly concern AP 5 and 6 of numenor and immunity.

Some are from the french forum, so make sure to read them.

New update with 20 new entries.

  • Deleted duplicate entries with the official faq.
  • Added old questions I missed since the beggining.

As some are from the french forum I'll start putting them here in spoiler for those you already follow BGG and this forum :

- when engaging Zealous Traitor with Hammer Stroke you didn't optionnaly engaged him
- when a card gain surge in his when revealed effect, you can use Minas Tirith Lampwright
- when revealing a card from your deck with Hunter of Lamedon, it is still in your deck and it would proc hidden cache.
- when using saruman, the cards is considered out of play, but also everything attach to it.

The printable version is a up to date as it is a google doc, the pdf will be updated tonight (GMT+1, in 5 hours).

Are there other communities / forums that are asking questions to Caleb and are not visible here ?

That what it was based on. Didn't check if there was something new, but they just did the same as me, collect from here and bgg.

Edited by alogos

Well, you were right.

I added one more entry that I wasn't aware of. Thanks for the tips.

Thanks for sharing, alogos!

Alogos, this is a fantastic work!

Thank you! :)

Yes, it's great. An invaluable document!

- 22 new entries.

Thanks, alogos, for this contribution !