Figure I would get the ball rolling and ask what people with the book think of it. you know, the standard: what's new and shiny? How do the carriers look? are there any new ship options? how's the adventure?...etc. I think that's covered the normal ones
Impressions of Faith and Coin?
Is it out yet? I had no idea
well the news feed says it is on sale.
No option for Download purchase. D:
Mine turned up today, although I haven't finished reading it thoroughly yet. Based on a rough read-through, you get a chapter dedicated to famed missionaries, covering their lives, actions and final fate (which isn't always certain).
Labours of Faith offers new Endeavours specific to ecclesiastical characters, such as bringing a lost populace back into the Creed, or recovering an artefact. This also adds mini write-ups for two new worlds, Ikeran and Pratus.
Instruments of the Creed adds six new Careers plus a number of weapons (including the new "Cleansing Fire" and "Sanctified" qualities), armour and miscellany. There is also a section on Holy Relics here, associated with the characters introduced in the opening chapter.
The book is rounded off with a reasonably sized adventure "The Sacred Heart", involving the quest for the resting place of an Imperial Saint.
(EDIT: probably should have listed the careers: Beastmaster, Witch Finder, Reliquarist, Adherent Of Aleynikov, Red Consecrator and Order of the Hammer Initiate. Beastmaster seems an odd inclusion, since it isn't really grounded in the priesthood (unless I missed something). )
Edited by InfinityDoctorWould it be possible to tell us a bit more about the Alt Careers?
I haven't gotten to the Alt careers yet (I'll update with my thoughts when I do), but from what I've read so far I think its a surprisingly well written book and an excellent addition to the RT line. So far I've really read through the first two chapters (on the Missionaries and Labors of Faith).
The four Missionaries focused on are all given solid intros, and two example planets as case studies of their long travels through the expanse. Each one actually felt different, despite their similar focus on spreading the Imperial Creed. There were the typical editing mistakes present in all FFG stuff, but that didn't hurt the narratives too badly. The planets pictured are also easily usable in a campaign, giving you factions and a decent idea of the current status of each world.
Labors of Faith lays out several campaign outlines. They're all the same length, but mix between goals that could be achieved in a single session, and goals that require grand endeavors to accomplish. I felt like they were excellent plothooks and overarching scripts (and the details on Snazzfleet Mordakka were the best), and that they would be best used by a middle weight GM looking for a good storyline to lead their group on. The endeavors were more fleshed out than the outlines in the main rulebook, but didn't specify scenes or encounters. I don't know if they are exactly what an experienced GM or group would need stock, but would definitely be worth modifying or using as inspiration.
Would it be possible to tell us a bit more about the Alt Careers?
Sure. The first three pretty much do what it says on the tin: Beastmaster is a creature specialist/trainer. The Witch Finder hunts psykers. The Reliquarist is an artefact hunter/antiquarian.
The Adherents of Aleynikov are tied to the history of Nadine Aleynikov, one of the legendary missionaries introduced in the first chapter. They are itinerant faith healers and physicians.
The Red Consecrators are similar to the Redemptionist, although they follow the teachings of Genevieve Almace, another of the legendary missionaries. They are zealous warrior monks who "view battle as an expression of faith."
The Order Of The Hammer are followers of Nicomedes Keefe, again, introduced in the first chapter. and are drawn from the hermitage of Foulstone. They too are itinerants, but they value wisdom, knowledge and information and seek to aid the expansion of fledgling Imperial colonies.
I'm really beginning to like the sound of this book.
I'm really beginning to like the sound of this book.
It is a good book, and interesting counterpoint to Blood Of Martyrs. Faith and Coin doesn't deal with the workings of the Ecclesiarchy as such, it focusses instead on those individuals who travel far from the existing diocese to establish (or re-establish) the Imperial Creed.
The Endeavours presented could even ostensibly form the core of a player establishing their own sect or Creed variant. The GM could easily make these part of a grander scheme, with plenty of opportunities for playing out the struggle between acceptance and condemnation as heresy.
What the book doesn't have, however, is much in the way of new starship options. (In fact, it may not have any, but I'm hedging here in case I missed one in the equipment section or a sidebar somewhere!) This, to be fair, is not relevant to the character types presented though - these are characters who take journeys on other people's vessels rather than commanding their own.
What the book doesn't have, however, is much in the way of new starship options. (In fact, it may not have any, but I'm hedging here in case I missed one in the equipment section or a sidebar somewhere!) This, to be fair, is not relevant to the character types presented though - these are characters who take journeys on other people's vessels rather than commanding their own.
drats, there goes my hope of a starship sized
drats, there goes my hope of a starship sized
What the book doesn't have, however, is much in the way of new starship options. (In fact, it may not have any, but I'm hedging here in case I missed one in the equipment section or a sidebar somewhere!) This, to be fair, is not relevant to the character types presented though - these are characters who take journeys on other people's vessels rather than commanding their own.
Do you remember the Starfire Vents in hostile Acquisitions ? How about jury-rigging this kind of augment on plasma macrobatteries for a suitable effect...
Would it be possible to tell us a bit more about the Alt Careers?
Sure. The first three pretty much do what it says on the tin: Beastmaster is a creature specialist/trainer. The Witch Finder hunts psykers. The Reliquarist is an artefact hunter/antiquarian.
The Adherents of Aleynikov are tied to the history of Nadine Aleynikov, one of the legendary missionaries introduced in the first chapter. They are itinerant faith healers and physicians.
The Red Consecrators are similar to the Redemptionist, although they follow the teachings of Genevieve Almace, another of the legendary missionaries. They are zealous warrior monks who "view battle as an expression of faith."
The Order Of The Hammer are followers of Nicomedes Keefe, again, introduced in the first chapter. and are drawn from the hermitage of Foulstone. They too are itinerants, but they value wisdom, knowledge and information and seek to aid the expansion of fledgling Imperial colonies.
Any of those allowed to the Astropath Career?
drats, there goes my hope of a starship sized
What the book doesn't have, however, is much in the way of new starship options. (In fact, it may not have any, but I'm hedging here in case I missed one in the equipment section or a sidebar somewhere!) This, to be fair, is not relevant to the character types presented though - these are characters who take journeys on other people's vessels rather than commanding their own.
Do you remember the Starfire Vents in hostile Acquisitions ? How about jury-rigging this kind of augment on plasma macrobatteries for a suitable effect...
hm.. Capital Size Flamers wonder if that would be extra heretical or an Orthodox way of doing Exterminatus by Starship scale use of a flamer to cleanse the unfaithful at a planetary scale.
Storm Shields, Lightning Claws new weapon upgrades, oh and Cyclonic Missiles. The Exterminatus has arrived in Rogue Trader. eek
Storm Shields, Lightning Claws new weapon upgrades, oh and Cyclonic Missiles. The Exterminatus has arrived in Rogue Trader. eek
Really? There are human-sized lightning claws for Rogue Trader now?
They pulled in a lot of toys and tools that would be likely to find on a well equipped explorer who has 'obtained' items from the inquisition and Eccliesarchy. There are also quite a few books and ammo with a religious bent to it. I certainly enjoyed that section a lot.
Any of those allowed to the Astropath Career?
Yup, Beastmaster, Adherent of Aleynikov and Order of the Hammer Initiate.
Storm Shields, Lightning Claws new weapon upgrades, oh and Cyclonic Missiles. The Exterminatus has arrived in Rogue Trader. eek
Really? There are human-sized lightning claws for Rogue Trader now?
Yes, but they're considered Unwieldy if you don't meet the minimum Strength Bonus...
I've had my eyes on this book for quite some time now, as I play an Emperor-fearing Rogue Trader heavily styled after the Spanish Conquistadors. Would anyone happen to know if any of the new careers are open to Rogue Traders and, if so, which ones? I play a bit of a Fellowship monkey with a flair for gunslinging, so if any class compliments that then I am all ears. Furthemore, is the Beastmaster career open to Navigators?
Yes what class is there for the Rogue Trader?
It didn't really do much of anything for me, but your mileage could vary. Many of the items are unique relics, and while this makes absolute sense, it sort of limits getting cool stuff. For this sort of book, I liked Edge and Lure much more. Two or three of the Alt Careers seem cool.
Some of the holy folks are cool, but I think they are all dead, so not much hope of getting to interact with them. Still, each had some cool stuff, the above unique relics, so maybe you can get a little piece of them, after all.
Based on a rough read-through, you get a chapter dedicated to famed missionaries, covering their lives, actions and final fate (which isn't always certain).
All of whom, amongst other things, spent their lives looking for the resting place of one specific Imperial Saint, which is apparently somewhere in the reach.
Any of those allowed to the Astropath Career?
Can't remember off-hand, but (randomly, or perhaps not) I think the Witch-Finder one is - it includes a new psynicience-related talent, anyway, so I assume so.
Certainly they're not purely confessor-related careers, anyway. The Beastmaster is probably an 'any career' speciality.
Cyclonic Missiles. The Exterminatus has arrived in Rogue Trader. eek
In fairness, they're a 'pocket' version, to be fired from a regular missile launcher. They're more accurately something like a fuel-air bomb. Still, no confessor should balk at the chance to apply fire to things which are a long way away.
Most of the wargear isn't actually 'new' - lightning claws, storm shields, but also a lot of previously mentioned stuff from the Inquisitor's Handbook or Ascension, like the Condemnor Boltgun or Sacristan Bolt Pistol.
The pre-written endeavours are interesting, as noted could tie up well with colony-founding from Stars of Iniquity for creating a major pilgrimage site, colony with cathedral, relics, etc, etc.
So its a very slow Exterminatus, where you just missile one thing at a time.
I like having the gear options in the proper game myself, also the feel of crusading for the Imperial Creed is much better imo than trying to port stuff from DH which is is more about the Ecclisiarchy in Imperial space.