just finished my second game of this in over a year
I love it the first guy I played with didnt so much but this guy was ok with it.
so the questions
1. if I mass a massive army (over 8 units) onto a hex I believe it says I can move back the units after the battle to a retreat able space what if I charge say 20 units based on some fast movers moving two spaces and there is only a single line of hexes to retreat do I retreat them two spaces kill them (I did this) or whatever else?
2. were we playing it wrong or does it turn into runes being placed on the players home spaces and as more are acquired basically they just creep forward. Our game ended in a draw because we both captured the same number of runes and they were basically safe back at the base due to the insta spam of troops we were both doing. Did I miss something?
PS this is one of the first strategy games of this kind that I love 1v1