If two parties, differing in size by two or more and belonging to rival organizations, happen to move to the same location during the same turn, what happens during the Interaction Phase? Are the two parties forced to fight because they belong to rival organizations, despite the fact that they couldn't ordinarily fight because their difference in size is too large, or are they prevented from fighting due to the size difference, despite the fact that they'd normally have to fight when sharing a location?
Do Parties Belonging to Rival Organizations Fight If They Are Of Vastly Differing Sizes?
Hi there!
So lets say we have Party A with 4 Characters, and Party B with 1 Character. If they belonged to rival organizations and wound up being in the same Area during the interaction phase, they would NOT fight.
If two rival Parties are in the same area, they must fight UNLESS one Party outnumbers the other by more than one Character. So, because Party A has 3 more Characters than Party B, they can not fight.
Hope this helped.
Thanks, that helped immensely. It was just a little confusing in the rulebook as to which rule took precedence in that situation.