Special cards are in play?

By Mndela, in Rules questions & answers

For exemple, shadow card. In Hunt for Gollum, one Hunters from Mordor attacks to you, when you reveal his shadow card is a Signs of Gollum . Hunter gets +2 by his text cause this clue?

And other exemple, but different (In Battle of Five Armies). You control Bilbo and use Sting when you defend, the next card is Vanguard of Bolg . In this case, there are not progress tokens on 3b neither 4b (for example)..., so: do you place 3 tokens damage on the enemy attacker (by the +2 threat cause of the text of Vanguard of Bolg), or only 1 token damage?

Edited by Mndela

Regarding question one, the clue card is not in play as it is a shadow card. So it does not confer a +2 attack to the hunters.

For exemple, shadow card. In Hunt for Gollum, one Hunters from Mordor attacks to you, when you reveal his shadow card is a Signs of Gollum . Hunter gets +2 by his text cause this clue?

And other exemple, but different (In Battle of Five Armies). You control Bilbo and use Sting when you defend, the next card is Vanguard of Bolg . In this case, there are not progress tokens on 3b neither 4b (for example)..., so: do you place 3 tokens damage on the enemy attacker (by the +2 threat cause of the text of Vanguard of Bolg), or only 1 token damage?

Nerdmeister is correct about the first one.

Hmmh, the second example is tricky. I don't think the card is ever in play, as it is discarded right away. However, I think you still have to add the 2 points threat, as it doesn't matter if the card is in play or not. But that's an educated guess, would be nice if someone else could tell if cards in the discard pile (or cards that are not in play in general) are affected by card effects.

Text are only in effect when the cards is in play or if the text specifically mention otherwise.

Cards with a X threat should count as 0 because the X is defined in the card text.

Text are only in effect when the cards is in play or if the text specifically mention otherwise.

Cards with a X threat should count as 0 because the X is defined in the card text.

You're right.

For everyone who is interested, it's in the rulebook on p. 23 under "constant effects".

But..., if shadow cards are considered not in play..., these cards can be "discarded" from play? For example, Key Troll , if it is discarded (for exemple, as shadow card) return to staging area.

The shadow card itself is in play, yes? There is plenty of text in the manual that refers to shadow cards as "in play." But the rest of the card is ignored and not considered "in play" if that card is dealt as a shadow card.

Pg. 6 of the manual, in the description of shadow effects, the shadow effect and the "in play" effect of a card are considered separate:

" 11. Shadow Effect Icon: If a card has a shadow

effect, that effect is denoted by this icon, which also
serves to separate the shadow effect from the card’s in
play effect."
Also clarified in the FAQ pg 8:
" Q: What happens to Banks of the Anduin (CORE 113)
if it is drawn as a Shadow card?
A: It will be discarded from play at the end of the
combat phase, like other Shadow cards. When a card
is drawn as a Shadow card, only its Shadow text is
considered to be active."
Edited by GrandSpleen

So Troll Key is considered in play (and after "discarted" from play) when it is dealt as shadow card?

Note: Troll Key has no shadow effect

Edited by Mndela

Note: Troll Key has no shadow effect

Right but, from that FAQ entry I quoted above: " When a card is drawn as a Shadow card, only its Shadow text is considered to be active." This text would suggest that it doesn't matter if there is a printed shadow effect or not.

On the "banks of the anduin" card, I know the card itself is in play but no shadow effect so normally it would go to discard, It wouldnt go on top on encounter deck on that one? Is that correct? So Banks of the Anduin would actually have to be in play as a location for its effect to take place to put back on top of encounter deck?

Basically it is like this:

- card in play normally: ignore shadow text.

- card drawn as a shadow card: ignore all other text above the shadow text.

So with banks of the anduin as example:

- in play as location it triggers it's effect when explored, going on top of the encounter deck. (Not a bad thing btw!)

- as a shadow card it does nothing.