If either the group decides to play with no cylon leaders, or no one happens to choose one, what happens to Treachery cards and making a skill check reckless?
No Cylon Leader Question
You still shuffle treachery cards into Destiny, so there is still a chance that a Reckless skill check will get hit by a Treachery card, and once Cylons have revealed they can draw Treachery.
Except according to the Pegasus manual it says,
"No Cylon Leaders
If the group elects to not play with a Cylon Leader, or if no one
chooses a Cylon Leader during character selection, return
the Cylon Leader character sheets and the Agenda decks to
the game box. The Loyalty deck is then built according to the
rules in the core game."
Which would mean that there are no treachery cards in the destiny deck. Without treachery cards, it seems that making a skill check reckless is too powerful for the humans when there are no revealed cylons.
Totally misread the manual. Was confusing Loyalty with Destiny.
Also note that unlike other skill cards, revealed Cylons can use the printed abilities on treachery cards.
... also also Ellen draws trech. :-)