Frederick, MD players?

By Christoph, in CoC Organized Play

'm curious if there are any CoC players who are interested in playing in (or very close to) Frederick? I know that there are groups that are close to or are in Baltimore and/or DC and I do get out to those areas occasionally. But I'm more curious if there are people who live close(er) to Frederick and are interested in getting together for some games. By playing in this area, it opens up weekday evenings for me. In terms of weekdays, Mondays and Fridays are better for me but Wednesdays are possible if people are interested in playing at my place.

If you're interested and would like to get some games going, let me know! I haven't played any CoC in about a year (and even then, have only played a handful of games since it switched to LCG format) and would love to dust off my cards!

