If you happen to have Rough Riders in your OW game, a group I have NEVER been particularly fond of (would've preferred SM bikers Guardsman model everyday, and wouldn't have this quandary) how do they kit up for battle? My primary weapon is a Hunting Lance, the dumbest weapon, in my mind, in 40K. It's very nice, ONCE, and then it is junk. Nothing says you can still use it as an unpowered, slightly broken version, nothing says you have a big quiver with several (you probably have two, tops), something DOES say they can't be re-tipped in the battle, I think, and NOTHING says 40K military engagements will be quick.
Medieval lances were okay, and they didn't break EVERY time they were used. Knights also could climb down and fight you, and use a longsword from foot or horseback. Rough Riders don't seem so well planned. Real Mongols might've used curved swords, but other than the Officer, maybe, RRs use their lances, once. They have laspistols, of course, so they could ride around further, shooting as they go, but that makes a weird focus on their one-use, high-pen attack. So, how do Rough Riders fight in the long, drawn out battles? DO they have a quiver of spears, ride around shooting a pistol from horseback, or what? I suppose I could see a back line with supplies, and tall barrels of Hunting Lances, with the Riders circling around, fetching a new Lance, and charging again, but that becomes a hotspot for enemy attacks. Some thoughts would be appreciated.