Is there any rules for multiplayer games? Say for instance 2 vs 2 and so forth. It would be awesome to have multiplayer games.
Is there any rules for multiplayer games? Say for instance 2 vs 2 and so forth. It would be awesome to have multiplayer games.
Went up to Waverly for a 2v2 event a couple weeks ago, they seem to have found a tag system that works pretty well:
-Only one player on a team is active at any given time. The inactive player is considered to not exist for all intents and purposes - they can't be attacked, can't play abilities, can't have their stuff committed, don't have any abilities trigger, etc. When the active player attacks, they are attacking the active player on the other team and the attack follows the steps just as if it were one-on-one. Players have individual life totals, and the team loses when both its players go down.
-In order to "tag in" your partner, you commit your character as a form. Whenever a player is tagged in, their character readies - in other words, there is no limit to tagging back and forth, it can be done as much as a team wants until somebody commits their character for some other reason or fails a form/ends the turn. The player that starts the turn inactive does not get their ready, review and draw step until they are tagged in. (follows the not-existing thing) When a player dies, their partner immediately becomes active.
-The team that goes first starts with their active player's (or both players, it doesn't matter) character committed, so they wont be able to tag in their partner on turn 1, meaning only 1 of the two players on the team will get the head start on foundations.
The nice thing about this system is that for all rules purposes it's only 1v1 UFS at any given time - the active player on one team against the active player on the other - so there's no awkward issues to iron out. Only thing that might be missing is some fair way to force the opponents' inactive player into active mode on defense, else it leads to endless <tank character + attack character> configurations that just leave the tank active at the end of every turn so that glass cannon never gets attacked. (In Waverly they pair teams randomly each round so this can't be set up)
when you tag in your partner do they attack the same person or do they attack the person that is directly across from them?
Just to make sure I got it.
It's basically 1 on 1, after committing your character as a form your opponent becomes the active player and the player that tagged readies.
You only get a ready and draw phase when you start your turn active or as the inactive partner when tagged in. When the active player ends turn then opponents get to take a turn. So only tag on your turn and one character can "sit" thru multiple tags...right!
Thanks! Sounds fun and I can't wait to try it.
Ghetto: When you tag in their partner, they are attacking whoever you were, which is whomever was your opponents' active player was when they ended their turn.
enbalm: Committing your character as a form tags in your teammate, not your opponent, and then your teammate gets to ready their character and go through the full ready phase if they haven't had it yet this turn.
As a sample turn:
Say my team goes first and I was starting active player. (This means that on our first turn I was committed and couldn't tag, so my partner couldn't set up) So on our second turn, I'm the only one with foundations. I start by committing my char to tag in my partner so he can get his first couple foundations down, but once it gets to the point where he might fail he commits to tag me back so our turn doesn't end with me doing nothing. I play an attack or two, and a safe foundation before tagging the partner back so he could try and squeeze a couple more foundations down. He eventually fails one and our turn ends. This means our opponents will be attacking him on their turn.
I found another similar way that works too.
Still has one player on each team active, and one sided, with the tag in factor, which I believe is commiting your character as a form, or discarding 1 momentum.
The major difference is that the active player can only play attacks and actions, while the inactive player can only play foundations, assets and actions. Your whole team also takes your turn together, and the players alternate playing 1 card at a time, and when a 1 player fails a card, or ends their turn, the other player may continue to their will, obviously until they fail as well.
Yeah that's what I meant, just worded it wrong.
Well there arent any official rules right now I did over hear Vik talking with James one day at our store about incorporating them though .