The cost of inferior gear

By Jegergryte, in General Discussion


Quick question. When buying starting equipment, or any equipment really, would you lower the price if the player voluntarily opted for an inferior variant?

I'm thinking of the Duros Commando that I received with the beta book today. While these pregens might not follow the normal character generation rules (I haven't checked so I don't know), starting with a blaster rifle isn't possible, right? (without adding the obligation mechanic too, which for the sake of this question isn't done).

No reason not to I guess. What exactly "inferior" means is variable, but the basic concept makes sense. So something like a sporting blaster rifle that only does 6 damage and has only 1 HP being cheaper then a proper rifle is logical. Or a junk rifle that does full damage, but increases all difficulties by one... Whatever makes sense.

I mean inferior as in having the Inferior quality.

Technically, it looks like what they've done is given the slugthrower rifle the stun setting and inferior qualities, which would seem to even each other out.

Well. That's the odd thing, an inferior Slugthrower rifle should have 6 damage, whereas an inferior blaster rifle should have 8. It's an odd weapon they have given him.

Anyway, this is not really the topic I wanted to discuss, I think there's another thread for the Duro pregen around, I'm more interested in how much reduction in the price could be justified (if any) for slapping on the Inferior quality.

Would 50% be way too generous? I guess it also depends on the weapon, but for blaster pistols I'd think that a substantial decrease could be in order, for carbines and rifles perhaps less decrease, and for heavier weapons even less.


Well, in Beyond the Rim, there's used gear, which costs half price and grants additional problems on threat coming up on the dice.

I think half-off for inferior goods is a good ballpark, too.

Right, that means you can start with an inferior blaster rifle and heavy clothing for starting equipment :ph34r:

In my current sector campaign I have a planet that specializes in manufacturing cheap knock-off equipment of various kinds. I set the going rate at 25% off whatever it says in the rulebook. It's a rough guideline, but I figured it was an appropriate starting point at least.

Ha ha, nice, cheap knock-off planet. I love it.

25-50% off sounds fair, depending on the original cost of the item.