Dearth it would be grand if you got with the guys that make Strange Eons to add a mod to their program. It looks like you already have all of the resources in place. Strange Eons is a custom card making program which makes things quick and easy for those who don't have any graphic skills. A mod was made for FFG's Warhammer game that EotE is based upon. Dearth + Strange Eons = We all can make custom cards.
I've started to look at this and have a skeleton extension for Strange Eons with template backgrounds (without text) setup in the extension. It's going slow though, due to me not having programmed in JavaScript at all before. I'm using the WFRP3e extension as a starting point. But I think it would be a lot quicker if someone who actually knew how to code JavaScript did it .
thedearth2, I'm using your card templates in my Strange Eons extension. I hope that's ok? If I ever give it to someone else, or put it up for download. I'll make sure to attribute you (and mfluder) as the source of the backgrounds.
The only thing to look out for is that we may have to do away with all official design elements (possibly excepting the dice symbols) at some point. I know that the WFRP Strange Eons extension had to do away with the real card backgrounds after a FFG asked for them to be removed. But it could very well be less of an issue for EotE given that FFG do not produce any cards themselves for this game (apart from the talent decks).
That said, there is not that much more you can do with Strange Eons that cannot be done in Photoshop/Gimp I think.