The Dearth presents: NPC, Vehicles and Starships Custom Card Template

By the_dearth, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Dearth it would be grand if you got with the guys that make Strange Eons to add a mod to their program. It looks like you already have all of the resources in place. Strange Eons is a custom card making program which makes things quick and easy for those who don't have any graphic skills. A mod was made for FFG's Warhammer game that EotE is based upon. Dearth + Strange Eons = We all can make custom cards.

Strange Eons

I've started to look at this and have a skeleton extension for Strange Eons with template backgrounds (without text) setup in the extension. It's going slow though, due to me not having programmed in JavaScript at all before. I'm using the WFRP3e extension as a starting point. But I think it would be a lot quicker if someone who actually knew how to code JavaScript did it ;) .

thedearth2, I'm using your card templates in my Strange Eons extension. I hope that's ok? If I ever give it to someone else, or put it up for download. I'll make sure to attribute you (and mfluder) as the source of the backgrounds.

The only thing to look out for is that we may have to do away with all official design elements (possibly excepting the dice symbols) at some point. I know that the WFRP Strange Eons extension had to do away with the real card backgrounds after a FFG asked for them to be removed. But it could very well be less of an issue for EotE given that FFG do not produce any cards themselves for this game (apart from the talent decks).

That said, there is not that much more you can do with Strange Eons that cannot be done in Photoshop/Gimp I think.

Hey thedearth, I'm getting the error message from mediafrie: "The resource you are trying access belongs to an account that has not yet been validated."

So can't access them. Am I the only one to have had this problem?

Dearth it would be grand if you got with the guys that make Strange Eons to add a mod to their program. It looks like you already have all of the resources in place. Strange Eons is a custom card making program which makes things quick and easy for those who don't have any graphic skills. A mod was made for FFG's Warhammer game that EotE is based upon. Dearth + Strange Eons = We all can make custom cards.

Strange Eons


@awayputurwpn: Should work again, not to forget to click that verify link seems to be important...

Edited by thedearth2

Believe it or not, I've already begun to convert the templates for use with Strange Eons, but as the outcome was, at least for me, not really sure I did not announced it. But this community is definitely too quick... I wrote gruntl and maybe we can work together to give the cards to the ones who do not have the graphical skills. ;)

This would be fantastic, for I have a 0 in Graphical Arts. :(

Dearth it would be grand if you got with the guys that make Strange Eons to add a mod to their program. It looks like you already have all of the resources in place. Strange Eons is a custom card making program which makes things quick and easy for those who don't have any graphic skills. A mod was made for FFG's Warhammer game that EotE is based upon. Dearth + Strange Eons = We all can make custom cards.

Strange Eons

I've started to look at this and have a skeleton extension for Strange Eons with template backgrounds (without text) setup in the extension. It's going slow though, due to me not having programmed in JavaScript at all before. I'm using the WFRP3e extension as a starting point. But I think it would be a lot quicker if someone who actually knew how to code JavaScript did it ;) .

thedearth2, I'm using your card templates in my Strange Eons extension. I hope that's ok? If I ever give it to someone else, or put it up for download. I'll make sure to attribute you (and mfluder) as the source of the backgrounds.

The only thing to look out for is that we may have to do away with all official design elements (possibly excepting the dice symbols) at some point. I know that the WFRP Strange Eons extension had to do away with the real card backgrounds after a FFG asked for them to be removed. But it could very well be less of an issue for EotE given that FFG do not produce any cards themselves for this game (apart from the talent decks).

That said, there is not that much more you can do with Strange Eons that cannot be done in Photoshop/Gimp I think.

You dont have to credit me for these, Dearths templates are all him, all I contributed was an idea. My card designs are a little different. but thank you anyways

Dearth it would be grand if you got with the guys that make Strange Eons to add a mod to their program. It looks like you already have all of the resources in place. Strange Eons is a custom card making program which makes things quick and easy for those who don't have any graphic skills. A mod was made for FFG's Warhammer game that EotE is based upon. Dearth + Strange Eons = We all can make custom cards.

Strange Eons

Believe it or not, I've already begun to convert the templates for use with Strange Eons, but as the outcome was, at least for me, not really sure I did not announced it. But this community is definitely too quick... I wrote gruntl and maybe we can work together to give the cards to the ones who do not have the graphical skills. ;)

@awayputurwpn: Should work again, not to forget to click that verify link seems to be important...

This would be great. I can make cards, they just look pretty ugly when compared to yours.


Edited by Sturn

Great Layout! Love 'em.

these cards all look amazing. if i can make some suggestions (please ignore if they don't fit your vision for them)

with regard to the gear cards is it your intention to use colour to represent different types of gear? say one colour for ranged weapons, another for melee, brawl, armour, incidental?

have the encumbrance in the top right corner so the items could be fanned like a hand of cards and a player could quickly determine how much they are currently carrying.

with regard to the adversary cards colour could be used to distinguish rivals, minions and nemesis.

personally i struggle with the skills not listing their relevant attribute.

having the cards be double sided with the talents / abilities detailed on the rear would be really useful.

these cards all look amazing. if i can make some suggestions (please ignore if they don't fit your vision for them)

Thanks for your feedback and I like to share my view on your suggestions.

with regard to the gear cards is it your intention to use colour to represent different types of gear? say one colour for ranged weapons, another for melee, brawl, armour, incidental?

Yes, I color coded the gear cards into the categories: armor, weapons and gear.

have the encumbrance in the top right corner so the items could be fanned like a hand of cards and a player could quickly determine how much they are currently carrying.

I do not plan to put the number into the corner because the encumbrance score belongs to the other ones within my "vision". But this is an open template which you can download, so feel free to put it into the corner!

with regard to the adversary cards colour could be used to distinguish rivals, minions and nemesis.

personally i struggle with the skills not listing their relevant attribute.

having the cards be double sided with the talents / abilities detailed on the rear would be really useful.

To print the cards double sided is up to the user and to include detailed talents and abilities is something I think is easy to accomplish with the template. For my own versions I need to decide if I will even put them online because of copyright issues.

These look really nice, but some of the words are hard to read. It seems the fonts were made very small in a few cases in order to accommodate the picture taking up half the card. While that's great for presentation, it kind of hurts the usability of the cards for those of with poor eyesight.

I think maybe the ideal card would have the picture on one side and the text on the other, which would allow for more readable font sizes. I realize I am probably in the minority when it comes to having trouble with tiny words such as those under the row of numbers beneath the picture of the Heavy Blaster Pistol, but I figured I'd offer my feedback anyway.

Again, these look really nice. Very professional. I regret that my vision isn't good enough to make use of them.

Edited by Venthrac

These looks really nice, but some of the words are hard to read. It seems the fonts were made very small in a few cases in order to accommodate the picture taking up half the card. While that's great for presentation, it kind of hurts the usability of the cards for those of with poor eyesight.

The card preview some posts above are quite low resoluted, with higher resolution it is far easier to read them also because you can just zoom in. The final test is still to come though. When I finished the template process I am going to print some of them and see if all looks good on paper or not.

But the template is still editable and the stat bar can just be expanded.

I plan to get the updated versions of NPCs (with M, R, N distinction), Vehicles and Gear online till the end of next week.

Next and last (planned) update before I upload the new template files.


Looks fantastic! Really excellent work.

****, you really nailed it. Love the black location look, although my printer won't like it... I'm a fan!

Fingers crossed for a downloadable ready made pack ;-)

What a great job! I love them. Would be it possible to have a file version with the head stat bar customisable? I'm a french speaker and I would like to translate those cards to use in my game.

FIRST!!! Holy ****, you are amazing.

Second, what company do you use to print these?

What a great job! I love them. Would be it possible to have a file version with the head stat bar customisable? I'm a french speaker and I would like to translate those cards to use in my game.

I'm french and have started to translate them too.

Might as well do it together.

As always, lovely work, sir.

Decided to take the template and work out one of my own. Stats were taken from another thread (if someone knows a better stat block for Viper Probes, let me know!)


Version 2 is online!

Link to the PSD-File which uses the EotE Fonts (you need to have them on your computer so that you can use them)

Link to the PSD File which uses the Windows Standard Fonts (I tried to fit the look as closely as possible)

Edited by thedearth2

Version 2 is online!

Link to the PSD-File which uses the EotE Fonts (you need to have them on your computer so that you can use them)

Link to the PSD File which uses the Windows Standard Fonts (I tried to fit the look as closely as possible)

Can't seem to get to the page :/

It sends me back to this topic's page.

Should be fixed.

With version 3 I am going to focus more on the printability of the cards. I settled now for Poker-sized cards and will provide sufficient border material, so that they can be printed in online stores without white borders/drift.

Additionally I will standarize the look a step further by adjusting the lower text frame border on a common level, the heading on the same height and such stuff.


Any chance you could extract those fonts from your fonts folder and zip them up for us? I can't seem to find any fonts that will sync with yours.

Here is a few of the ones I have created for my own members. What do you think?


Edited by Dalagrath