My playgroup is trying to get a free for all/fulcrum based tournament going and there's been some discussion as to what would be the best way to structure the thing given the complications with FFA multi(more than 2)-player play.
The best format I can think of would be to allocate tournament points (instead of wins and losses) based on your dominance count at end of game. So the winner would get 8 pts, and the losers would get whatever they have at games end. In the case of a triple burn or mill end game condition you would just again allocate pts = dominance at end of game.
If you want to give more of a reward to the player who wins on top of his dominance perhaps you could give a bonus point or 2. Hard to say how much, if anything, this bonus should be though...
You could then run swiss based format for large groups to determine match ups, or an everyone plays everyone format for small groups and then tally points to find a winner after a predetermined number of rounds. Voila! Winner!
Has anyone run a multiplayer tourneys yet? How did you score? What are people's thoughts on the best way to structure a multiplayer tourney?
Edited by rzarectz