Strike to Stun

By HashKey64, in WFRP Rules Questions

I've bought the new 3ed but can't find the iconic Strike to Stun-ability. So many times have my players called out "Strike to Stun" during the years! What now? I feel all empty inside.

I'm just returning to 3E and am in the process of re learning the rules. And I could be wrong, but , there are off the top of my head a few ways to fill in that blank.

One- there are actions cards that have a similar effect if the roll is good enough , applying conditions .

Two- simply use preform stunt. To this would be a bit to easy though.

And lastly, I suppose you could just make a judgement call as GM. Say a simple melee strike- the number of success must equal the opponents toughness ( and armor if they are wearing a helmet*) to succeed.

*its been even longer since I played 1 or 2 E but I seem to recall armor was factored in.

Edit: a 4th way could possibly be an opposed test, maybe.

Again I'm "new again" to the rules, so I could be wrong on all accounts....

Edited by Ninefingers

What did strike to stun do?

Perform A Stunt is allways a good go-to action. The GM defines what skills are used and how many Challange Dices.

WFRP3 has a pretty easy mechanic for knocking players unconcious: Fatigue.

So if an NPC is trying to knock a player unconcious, I would say to use Perform A Stunt (Athletics vs Defense?) and apply damage caused as Fatigue instead of Wounds.

If its a player trying to knock out an NPC, just make it a hard test.

Edited by Ralzar

Pretty much just what it sounds like. The opponent is KOed for. X length of time. It's assumed to be a blow to the head.

Edited by Ninefingers

What did strike to stun do?


If you hit the opponent you could opt for "Strike to Stun" - instead of causing damage you did a opposing roll (STR vs TOU) to stun them (-10% chance per AP on the targets head). If successful the target was stunned for 1D10 rounds and could take no actions (including defensive actions like Dodge).

Edited by HashKey64

Disorienting strike is there, but it's more balanced than the above. To hit someones attack in wfrp3 and at the same time limit his defences, you'd have to be more creative and do it over more than one round and perhaps even do it as a team effort. But it's doable. Go through your stack of cards and find those that either add a condition, adding bad dice to his attack pools and then look for cards that put tokens on his defences (or where the attacker decides).

Subdue, soldier NPC ability is worth a look.

Disorienting strike action card seems the good way to go