Hi there
I am now hosting an unofficial Marvel Heroes FAQ on the forum at my website (see sig file).
It uses the last official FAQ and then builds on that from questions asked by players.
Best Regards
Hi there
I am now hosting an unofficial Marvel Heroes FAQ on the forum at my website (see sig file).
It uses the last official FAQ and then builds on that from questions asked by players.
Best Regards
Do you know what happend to the game? Is it no longer supported?
Ok, here's the mystery solve:
Nexus (a European games company) licensed and made Marvel Heroes. Then it was distributed and supported by various other companies, including FFG.
Nexus lost the license because Marvel Comics are a nightmare to deal with (especially now they are making money hand over fist, when not that long ago, they had filed for bankruptcy!). So Marvel Heroes no longer exists and *SHAMELESS SELF PLUG* I've probably done the most support you'll see on the game now, having pretty much revised it from the ground up!
The additions/revisions I've made (available at my website) may not be to everyone's liking but feedback has been mostly positive.
I will add that all the work I've done has been on a fan basis and for no profit. I in no way wish to infringe on anyone's copyright or license over the Intellectual Property of Marvel Heroes or Marvel Comics.
Are you the same person posting the revisions to BGG?
Thanks for the FAQ.
that's me. The downloads will also be available at my website.
Best Regards
Yeah your modification were great! I think there is a certain lil' Pheonix that needs her skills back, however.
I haven been also working on variant rules of my own with less extensive changes than yours...will have to see if these changes 'click' or not...if I can ever get it back on the table that is.
Says your site bandwidth has been exceeded
A real shame that this great game is no longer supportet ... i longed for an add-on ... new heroes new villians ....
OldUrmel said:
A real shame that this great game is no longer supportet ... i longed for an add-on ... new heroes new villians ....
Fortunately, I've done all that! Download the Second Edition files at my website (see sig file)!