Endless Reserves

By wishasc, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

What am I missing...or is this set just not that good?

Endless Reserves + 5x Vast Resources

It seems like there must be something I'm missing here, but within the current pool of cards, how is this objective set useful? The Objective seems to have such a narrow focus and Vast Resources seems to be very limited because multiple copies don't stack.

Perhaps there are future cards that will make use of this, but I'm having trouble understanding how I would want to put this OS in a deck in lieu of any other OS.

It is quite possible it might be of more use at a future date. To me it is like some of the Neutral Objective Sets... Not really worth putting in a deck I want to win with. One could always experiment and try out new decks with it to better judge its usefulness.

Edited by GroggyGolem

The point of Endless Reserves is to give you a ton of cards you can exchange for resources, like with the Interrupt of Kuat Reinforcements. Additionally, if you're lucky enough to pull the objective, your Vast Resources can be spent on edge battles instead, where they'll provide 2 Force icons each. I've tried running the objective set in a Big Navy deck, and I've been pleasantly surprised with how well it worked.

Edited by D.Knight Sevus

The point of Endless Reserves is to give you a ton of cards you can exchange for resources, like with the Interrupt of Kuat Reinforcements. Additionally, if you're lucky enough to pull the objective, your Vast Resources can be spent on edge battles instead, where they'll provide 2 Force icons each. I've tried running the objective set in a Big Navy deck, and I've been pleasantly surprised with how well it worked.

Good to see that someone has actually tested a deck with it and enjoyed it.

I like the idea of the Objective Set and if using the Events doesn't work out you can chuck them in an Edge Stack. They are especially useful then when paired with their Objective.

I'm curious to know, did you ever have a situation were you pulled multiples of the Vast Resources card when you hoped you would get something else instead?

Did you include 1 or 2 copies of this Objective Set in your deck?

I ran two. In fact, for reference, this is what I put together.

Affiliation: Imperial Navy
Objectives (10)

2 Death and Despayre

1 Reconaissance Mission

2 Deploy the Fleet

2 Unstoppable Advance

2 Endless Reserves

1 Imperial Blockade

Yes, I would sometimes draw more copies of Vast Resources than I wanted - unsurprising, given that they were 1/5 of my deck - but I could just throw away any that I didn't need before my next draw phase. That said, I think the objective would be better served in a deck that uses more Objectives that can better take advantage of being able to trade cards for resources - it partners pretty well with the AT-ST in The Endor Gambit, and a deck running The General's Imperative is much more likely to have a reserve greater than 6.

The cards work for the next card you play as well. It is nice when you run a sith/navy deck, and you don't want to lock down a resource for 2 turns for the Executor, or better yet, you have Captain Needa, Sith Holocron and a vast resource, you are getting one of the strongest and most expensive units in the game for 2 resources. I wouldn't put two in my deck, but I have a 10 objective deck with an 11th objective (11th! you Crazy!) yes 11th being endless resources. Being that all the cards are the same, and can be used for free to bring units out quicker and cheaper, or as an edge toss it is a solid 11th objective that really doesn't weight down your deck.

I recently had the set recommended to me as part of an interesting Scum deck idea (thank you, Justin!). I haven't tried it yet, but it's good to know other people are finding uses for it.

I run it in my Executor/Sith deck and find it very handy for a first turn Palpatine or Vader (depending on the objectives I drew) or to deliver a devastating blow because I'm able to pay for Vader AND a one-cost-event or something similar.

I've also had success with this set. I've been able to drop some incredible resource generating cards on turn one, then, on turn two, rush heavy with tons of big units.

It's really not that bad of a set (except for the low force icon count and lack of units). If you happen to mulligan into more than one or two (or you need to draw better cards) you can use it during the first refresh window and get a few extra cards deeper.

I always forget about that phase. Thanks for reminding me, and for the tip. XD

It may actually become significantly better once the Freeholders hit the streets. Using 2 cards to play 1 will be much more appealing when you may want to dump cards out of your hand.

Given the potential craziness of the Freeholders, I'd say "raid and pillage" would be more apt than merely "hitting the streets." :P

Seriously, though, I think that's an interesting observation.

In my opinion, Vast Resources does best in a swarm deck, but the build as a whole needs to be properly diluted. Here's my "Fun and hopefully one day tournament viable" Tie Fighter swarm deck v1.2:

2x Black Squadron Assault

2x Kuat Reinforcements

2x Defense Protocol

2x The General's Imperative

1x A Dark Time for the Rebellion

2x Endless Reserves

Yes, that's 11 pods. I originally had it at 10, with 2 copies of Endless Reserves. But that meant a minimum of 14 event cards all with a printed cost of 0. Often times I would draw hands where I didn't even need the Vast Resources, because I only had 1 unit to buy. So I cut 1 copy of Endless, and immediately felt the lack, because there weren't enough resource cards in the deck to push out my swarms. So I went back to 2 copies of Endless and simply slapped in an 11th pod of cheapies.

I also tried the deck with Motti, and while the troopers and extra money were nice, this deck doesn't win by setting up defenders, it wins by being as absolutely aggressive as any Sleuth deck you've ever set eyes on, and I HATED drawing troopers on the turn I needed more blast damage to close out the game.

In any case, this deck will never be tier 1 unless Navy gets some vehicle protectors of some sort, and maybe not even then. But this deck can keep pace with Sleuth decks easily and dish out just as much damage. And don't bother trying to win againt Falcon Jedi, unless you get very lucky, and they get simultaneously unlucky. There's a reason almost nobody ran the Tie Fighter deck in the early days of the "Smugglers Den" variants and what have you. In those situations just try to get the dial as high as you can before Han destroys you. :D

There's a reason almost nobody ran the Tie Fighter deck in the early days of the "Smugglers Den" variants and what have you. In those situations just try to get the dial as high as you can before Han destroys you. :D

TIEs were better during the early days of Smuggler's Den - they ran two copies of A Message from Beyond, and that meant there were times were the LS drew 0-1 units every other turn. For TIE Fighters, that was the best chance of winning the game. Yeah, they could drawn Han, but it was possible to survive Solo if you already had a decent set up.TGO took down an event with TIE Fighters / Devastator and I got second in an event with the same list.