Jester's Playhouse, Northfield, New Jersey 08225

By JestersPlayhouse, in The Plugged-in Tour

Join us at Jester's Playhouse on October 12th, 2013 for our Android: Netrunner Plugged In Tour. Entry is completely free and our start time for the tournament is at 2PM. Email us any questions you may have at or just give us a call at (609) 677 -9088. In addition our address is...

545 Tilton Road

Northfield, NJ 08225

Though be warned that using certain GPS will not lead you to this location because of an error with the GPS.

When taking the Garden State Parkway South take exit 36

Turn right onto Tilton Road, after three lights we will be on the right hand side in the Mainland Professional Plaza just before Wendy's and directly across the street from Chido Burrito.