How common among the endless Green Tide are their Weirdboyz? I ask because I am finally trying to hammer out the details for a weapon I've had in mind for a few years now; the psi-lance. For pointless explanation, the psi-lance is an attempt to, in some small measure, duplicate the powers of a warp cannon (think the armaments of an Awakened Blackstone Fortress). While it certainly isn't on par with that august armament, the mechanism harnesses the combined power of a choir of battle psykers to loose a tightened beam of warp energy that will carve through most anything in its way. It is the prototype, mounted within the prow mount of my Oberon-class Battleship, the Emperor's Deliverance, adrift in space for a millennium, or more.
So, where the Weirdboyz come in is that I don't know how else I might flub the weapon. I have no idea how powerful an ABF's warp cannons would be in RT, and I'm not going for a totally cheesy OSK gun vs a starship, but I want some REAL punch. Da Wurldbreaka has a "similar" weapon emplacement, in the form of their Dorsal Weirdboy Towerz. I could easily copy-paste something like that, but the question is, aboard that Ork vessel, how many Weirdboyz would it take? If the mechanism explodes, as it had rules for happening, even rebuilt, Morgaash would have to round up that many Weirdboyz, again, or be short a weapon. I'm sure some of it is also not just the number of Weirds, but also the other Ork's Waaghing them up, but some guess would help. I know 10 Human Psykers shouldn't be very powerful, but a number estimate to duplicate it would be nice. Thanks.