Storage for collection?

By meggypeggs, in Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game


I recently was lucky enough to purchase a large collection (3 of everything) and would like other players input on how you store/carry around your collection.

The cards will basically not fit into the core box and have put them in a 6k storage box (though it isn't the most user friendly box and more of a 'store in your attic' box).

Anyone have the same issue and overcome the storage problem?


Sorry, looks like linking google image search doesn't work.


Edited by Virgo

Jealousy. Thy name is Kheivalo....

Honestly my collection isn't that big yet (but with Hidden Kingdoms and all the beautiful Wood Elves it will be), but my plan was to grab something like this and just plaster it with printed labels from the WHI expansion boxes. I figure I could go to Kinko's or something and get something higher quality than paper to print my labels onto and just make that box look as much like the core set as possible.

Let me know if you find a better solution.

Edited by Kheivalo

Hey Kheivalo,

I have a larger version of that though it isn't very sturdy.

I took it to our local club Friday and half the cards were lopsided and the box can easily move off when not tied down by string.

The thought of covering the box with W:I cover sounds awesome.

I have even thought of binders but it would be a pain in the butt to get/put away cards.

Virgo, don't be like that :)


Virgo, don't be like that :)

Fixed my earlier post.

I use these:

I only have about 1,500 cards, though - so not as many. I use one of these for each race. They say they only hold 250, but that's with card sleeves. You can hold close to double that. I then put all these in my core set box. The lid won't fit down all the way, but it does the trick. I've also taken them in a backpack since the acrylic cases keep the cards from bouncing around and pretty protected.

Edited by sammann11