Charging, Primitive armour, thw, and called shots

By Amaimon, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

Here are my suggestions, I would like to see, that in my opinion will make the game better.

1. Make charging usefull, and viable option for players. Making one standard attack, at the end of the charge is not good enough. That attack, will be easily deflected, dodged or whatever. Instead its better to shoot, and wait for the enemy to charge, or just walk to someone and LA him as a half action.

My proposition: Give everyone flat bonus +3 to damage, for charging. Essentialy Brutal charge for everyone. Those already with brutal charge, should get bonus on top of it of course. Some penalty to parry may also be on order, like -10/20

2. Primitive armour and primitive quality - I suggested that change in OW beta. Its the amalgam of OW and DH rules. Primitive armour gives full protection against weapons with primitive quality, and half protection, against weapons without primitive quality. Primitive quality only works against non-primitive armour. So hammer against flak armour deals only max 7dmg on die roll, but works just fine against furs, and chainmail.

3. Opposite to D&D, two handed weapons are worse than two weapon wielder, because of reactions, limited lightning attacks etc.

My proposition: Give bonus for wielding weapon in two hands. Its already been made with some weapon (power maul or chain axe), but I suggest that all weapons should deal eg. 2 more damage when wielded in both hands or better! Half Strenght bonus (rounding up) to total 1,5 SB dmg. Yeah, thats brilliant.

4. Go back to called shots as they were in DH 1.0. Dont make action of it, just flat -20 to hit. Also give bonuses for shooting in the locations. Our houserule is that hitting the body deals +1 dmg, and hitting the head deals +2dmg. That way shooting in the head actually makes sense not only if someone is not wearing helmet. Of course, certain creatures with amorphous, undying, machine, strange physiology or stuff of nightmares shoudn't recieve extra dmg.

Thats about it. Hope you like it.


We had a pretty long (and heated) discussion about Charging a while back (here: )

My position was (and is) that Charging is actually pretty strong as-is. It's not always the best option, nor should it be, but it's situationally very powerful.


Please,God, no! Primitive armour was a terrible, clunky system that served a purpose so small one wonders why anyone bothered. DH2's current implementation is fine.


I agree that it should be worthwhile to wield a two-handed melee weapon. I disagree on having special-case rules, though.

Personally I'd like to see this reflected directly in the stats of Basic/Heavy weapons, rather than having to add on afterwards. It's debatable whether or not this is already the case. Get rid of the Recoil Glove to avoid exploits and general stupidity (God, I hate that item).

I could see the value in a talent that gave you a Parrying bonus when wielding Basic/Heavy weapons.


I'm tempted to agree on removing it as an action. Would clear up some problems with low-RoF weapons and open the door for Sniper rules based around Called Shots. It depends on several factors, though - hard to discuss it in a vacuum.

That said, I disagree on special-case rules to do additional damage based on location hit. This is already handled in the damage tables: You might not do more damage to the head, but the damage you do is already more dangerous. Granted, that relies on narrative wounds making the cut.

Edited by MagnusPihl

Because the FFG stated that DH2 will be compatible with OW/BC, I'm refering to rules in OW, not the current beta. Hence no action points, and no narrative wound system.

4.) The called-shot action imo is the way to give single shots a good stand against full-auto attacks and give them a role that makes sense being an alternative.

It should be more difficult to hit (as the targeted zone is smaller), so -20 is fully ok (but if a singleshot has +10, -10 instead would be sufficient instead of the bonus).

I am also a friend of making it a free action and/or give it some additional benefit (bonus damage for DoS ?).

There's already rules in place for modifying the hit chance when attacking objects of different sizes. I suggest these values are used when making called shots.

Yeah, thats why I said -20 to hit. Head, like servo skull is about size (2) puny. Other limbs should fit in too.

@Magnus - 3) that would be ok, when wielding two-handed weapons, but what if someone swings normal sword with both hands. The damage should be greater, such as +2 to dmg or pen. Trust me, it wont be a problem, just one additional sentence. "When wielding a melee weapon with both hands, add 1.5 SB to damage instead of normal SB." (or drop "one handed" in the middle of the sentence if thw, already include that in their stats)

Edited by Amaimon

Currently called shots in OW are effectively -30 though, as they also do not get the +10 for the regular standard attack.

And they need a full action to be carried out.

Thats a very poor choice to take. -10 and either making it a free action or giving it an additional damage bonus would be needed to make it attractive.