1) Quest 7: The Graveyard - Does Adrian has undying in addition to his abilty to sacrifice non-master skeletons in range of 5?
2) In The Fool's Rapids - when a hero ends his movement on an encounter marker, does the OL have to read aloud the white part in the booklet thats between "The Key Crystals" and the "If all of the key crystals in the start area have been removed" so that the players would know what happened, or does he keep that information to himself? (and in general all area-style levels?).
Also do the heroes need to know the Blind Giant's stats?
3) In the start area of The Fool's Rapids, is the X marker shown to the heroes, or only when the conditions are met, the X is revealed/changed?
4) On Quest 40: Shreds of Night: Sess can destroy armor or shields. Destroy means sent to the graveyard?
5) On Quest 16: What Lies Beneath: If a surge is rolled, the OL may play any trap from his entire deck (hand + discarded + deck) or just his hand?
6) Is there still a limit of one spawn card per turn for the OL in a dungeon, or can he use as many as he want during his spawn step if he has enough threat to flip his reinforcement marker?