Literal or intended meaning

By gertat, in Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game

I have à little playgroup consisting of 2 people to discuss card text and effects.

When we were starting playing this meant very heated discussions.

Usually we were on different sides and had no one to brake the deadlock in the discussion.

The more we play the discussions grow less heated and more rare.

We decided early on that the FAQ and answers to questions in this forum would be the way to go in every argument.

Not to make houserules on anything.

But to all our questions (some not so smart) the answer seems to be literal.

We usually think the logical and intended text, salution is the answer to our questions.

And we are usually wrong.

Would you agree with me that the game is more literal than the intended meaning to questions that are not explained in the FAQ.

Do like it literal or intended?


Now I got round to clarify my question.

I just posted a rules question about ambush with supportcards.

I think that ambush are only for units.

It could be some trap also but I dont think traps excists in WHI.

But I dont own al cards so I dont know for sure.

That kind of effect I mean by saying It's intended meaning.

But if you se my question in the rules section that you can get à building to ambush it will be the literal meaning of every card.à-supportcard-ambush/

Someone already answered that question, that tactic only allows units to ambush (but still every card in the game can ambush if it has this keyword).

Don't see any problems here :P

My thread doesnt mean to point out anything wrong with the game just that my mind goes for the logical meaning of the cardtext.

And my logical meaaning to the card isnt always right (usally not)

Warhammer invasion and Mage Wars are my absolut favorite games.

It's much more easy to figure out how a card works in Mage Wars than WHI.

The game usally use the literal meaning my point was more to ask if someone think like me.

Becuase of the my mind thinks its so great to have you guys in this forum.

But I still think ambush only should work on units.

So in my mind Band Together shoulden work

Or have I got the meaning of that card wrong?

Edited by gertat

But I still think ambush only should work on units.


Hhahaha good one