Custom NPC game cards for players

By mfluder, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I've been trying to work up decent cards for npc's and vehicles my players will encounter. Here is where im at so far. printed two at a time at walgreens on 4x6 photo paper im hoping they can be cut out and stuck into card sleeves to make them look legit... edge_of_the_empire_npc_cards_by_stuntman

Cool idea!

Not too shabby, WEG used to make these back in the day, I'm actually a little surprised FFG hasn't put out an official set of these super useful things. They already have the infrastructure, and if they are allowed, could probably recycle art from the card games.

I would suggest you go double sided, with the stats on the back, as some rival and nemesis level characters will need more space for the abilities and talents.

Thanks, I would like to mention that the stat block portion of the design was from another artist, and despite my best efforts i cant seem to find the original post where he shared them.

i like the idea of double sided cards, that would allow for npc inventory as well.

if anyone wants the .psd of my progress for their own use just message me, its pretty much set up to use either a vehicle or character stat block with room for a pic and description. layers are already named for their corresponding stats and the file is sized to fit a standard game card sleeve.. #2 i think

Those look great! I would love the PSD for these, if you don't mind sharing. I have a few ideas for tweaking the design, and will happily post them back to you.


Very cool work!

Would you mind telling how you did the design?

Wow, these look great!

I'd like to get a copy when you're done if you don't mind sharing.

I'd really like to get a blank template (no pic needed, obviously), if possible. I can't find anything like that in the forum, and it would be really helpful.

Second and third on the desire for a blank template - those look great!

Those are awesome! I have been consideing doing something very similar. I would love to get the PSD file.

Hello everyone, and thank you for your interest, my darn email is acting up so if anyone wants the .psd just click the link and download it from my deviantart profile

look carefully as there are many layers that can be hidden or shown to offer stat blocks for characters or vehicles as well as two different backgrounds

all you need to do is put in your own images and edit the text accordingly and save as a jpeg

if you make a new 4x6 image and put two of these bad boys per page you can print them at walgreens for .20 cents

they are sized to fit the standard card sleeve

note; I hope everyone enjoys these and I take no ownership of any images or artwork in the file, also I am not a graphic designer and this is the extent of my knowledge in photoshop, if anyone has trouble using ''layers'' please dont message me saying you cant figure it out, there are countless youtube video tutorials at your desposal.

I made the template in photoshop 7.0

Very cool work!

Would you mind telling how you did the design?

Those look awesome!

If you really wanted to go bananas, you could upload your graphics to a site like and have them made for you, with nice rounded corners and everything. I've gotten 60-card decks made by them for the (unlicensed) Blade Runner board game I designed , for $10 each!

Edited by I. J. Thompson

Those look awesome!

If you really wanted to go bananas, you could upload your graphics to a site like and have them made for you, with nice rounded corners and everything. I've gotten 60-card decks made by them for the (unlicensed) Blade Runner board game I designed , for $10 each!

Thanks for that!!! I've been looking for a way to have cards printed legit like that, I was gonna use overnight prints but i didnt want 100 of the same card

Happy to help!'s interface can be a little obtuse, though, so if I can help with anything, just let me know. :)

Hello everyone, and thank you for your interest, my darn email is acting up so if anyone wants the .psd just click the link and download it from my deviantart profile

Thanks for making them available, but are the psd files available at your deviant profile? I can only see png files there. And the pngs do not seem to have more than one layer (apart from transparency).

Yes like very much! Please keep us updated when you add to/ finish a set

Hello everyone, and thank you for your interest, my darn email is acting up so if anyone wants the .psd just click the link and download it from my deviantart profile

Thanks for making them available, but are the psd files available at your deviant profile? I can only see png files there. And the pngs do not seem to have more than one layer (apart from transparency).

To the right of the page, beneath an add is a Download button, that one downloads the psd.

To the right of the page, beneath an add is a Download button, that one downloads the psd.


got some standard size card sleeves and they look amazing in them! I cant wait to use them in the next game


Yep they look fantastic. I've downloaded your psd. I'll use them straight away.

Edited by Naglareph

Also, for those of you dont know how to use photoshop I'm going to upload jpeg files of each card and post them in this thread as I get them made. I'm always thinking of new ideas for npc's if anyone has any requests post them and I may put it together and add it to the collection.

Barabel+enforcer.jpg keen+arms+dealer.jpg Stormtrooper+minions.jpg The+Vengeance.jpg TIE+fighter.jpg aqualish+minion.jpg