Figure conversions by Inquisitor Liss

By Zombiewolf, in Mutant Chronicles

Here are the figures that Inquisitor Liss has modified for use in Mutant Chronicles:







Is this a Warmachine/Menoth/Cursader Mace for the Free Marine Soldier ??? aplauso.gif

Yes I call Him Sam Grundervald and instead of he carries the Capitol Mace of Whoop Ass! Karak is still Karak but I didnt like the little gun on his arm so I removed it and replaced it with am Ultraforge demon of pestilence arm. Now granted these are rough conversion and unpainted but i want to show off so quick changes to the factions to give them a custom feel.

Liss demonio.gif

CanĀ“t wait to see them fully painted! "Capitol Mace of Whoop Ass" sounds awesome! partido_risa.gif

Nice conversions. You got the parts from the Inquisitor game?

looking forward to the painted versions as well! :)

I really dont like the big dog turds of GS on the base of the capitol fig lengua.gif Id get rid of em asap.

But that new arm for Karak is awesome. Very well done sir! It just makes the fig... much better in every way.

I know the green stuff does look like dog crao but it is supposed to be rock formation. Hopefully when painted it will appear better with some flock.


xedric said:

I really dont like the big dog turds of GS on the base of the capitol fig lengua.gif Id get rid of em asap.

But that new arm for Karak is awesome. Very well done sir! It just makes the fig... much better in every way.

Zombiewolf and I told him that it looked like a big turd but he said "it was a rock". I've never seen a perfectly coiled rock before. partido_risa.gif

The turd is gone! and it was a perfect coiled rock. It has been replaced with a wall section.


Both are ecellent conversions! I can't wait to see them done.

Hey when they are finished can I post an article and pictures on my Blog about your work?

No problem. I have to work at the hospital this weekend but they should be done by end of next week. I also hope to have a few more conversions done by end of month.
