CBus Ohio Noob anniversary noob day, weekend 2

By vermillian2, in UFS Tourney Reports

12 (well 11 cause one had to drop) players show up to take my cards and my play mats from me in this mostly epic event! I asked alocal player to attend with a decent deck to show some people how its done, who I wasn't going to reward prizes to. Everyone got miscellanious promos or ultra rares or valuable older cards with block 3 legality, and I gave away two of my own personal play mats.

Washington Courthouse people and kenton dude for driving one or two hours
Gary for rocking Zi Mei like a total jerkwad and pwning face. Shifting all his support for more speed and just rocking her for damage. genious.
Dante for abusing my "I'll look the other way for a little while with 'what is standard tournament legal and what is not' while you guys adjust to new standard format" policy, and using Promo Nightmare, Soul Edge, Yoga Mastery and totally giving one of my block 3 decks a head ache! You'll be a wrecking ball in legacy tournaments for a bit!
Everyone for not makign fun of each other's other games (warhammer online yugioh etc...) and living the mantra "less QQ more pewpew"

Gary for complaining about how broken his character he was playing is/was (Zi Mei)
Me for deciding to randomize who in the top 4 get one of my play mats (with the other was going to be goign to the person who drove the farthest)
Me for not having my laptop, which is because my girlfriend was at home playing WoW on it, because I showed her the stupid game in the first place.
Not having enough promos to sufficiently reward these fine gentlemen that came out to rock UFS
All who supported the store with purchases (Jordan brandon and I'm pretty sure the out-of-towners!)

And obviously my last line above on the SLOPS catagory should actually be in the props catagory. It is PROPS to buy stuff from the owner. NOT a slops thing. Duh.

Again this was a real fun event. I hope that all the people playing the game at this store keep playing, because it is a very good group of guys and a nice play group. I look foward to the pre-release and playing here long term. I honostly have not had that much fun at a tournament in a long time.

For the most part we're all at these events to learn and have fun, not to get some uber rank or win money or anything. That keeps things jovial and light hearted. that and matt and i are just fun people. or something.

See you at the prerelease! (Check your email)