I was pretty sure that this forum is for feedback on the BETA on what people want in the main game. Having you turn around and dismiss it because we can do whatever in our own home games seems to be kind of missing the point.
The answer from FFG may well be: "This is a Role Playing Game, and your GM will and can do whatever he wants to do. As for what he will do? That will be a matter of what will best suit his campaign and players desires." As my groups GM I know how I will be solving this issue, and it doesn't really matter to me how you solve the problem or your GM does for your group.
Making a fuss because that isn't the answer you want, may not prove as productive as you would like. I am sure the folks at FFG already have noted your concern, I don't think you are unique in having it.
At times you just have to stand back and say to yourself, "I have provided my feedback and the rule writers can agree or disagree with my opinion as they see fit." After that, you sit back and relax and grab the rulebook when it comes out and see what they thought of your feedback. As a playtester for Flames of War I can see some of my ideas in the rule books, and other ideas that didn't pass through the process.