I have a suggestion for the Duty mechanic. A lot of folks seem to be upset about the inability to purchase additional experience, and this might be an easy solution.
I suggest that characters start out with 10 Duty in their chosen field. (Although this could vary by party size like in EotE). Then if the player wants, they can choose to reduce their Duty to take additional starting XP, in a similar fashion to how things are set up with Obligation in Edge of the Empire.
Reduce 5 Duty to get 5 XP, or 10 Duty to get 10 XP. I probably wouldn't allow folks to take additional credits with Duty because of how strapped for resources the Rebellion is supposed to be at this time, and especially given the mechanic to start out with a stationary base of operations with significant cash influx. You could kind of see this as, the character has spent less time in Rebellion but that time was spent learning valuable skills, etc (or alternatively, this character spent more time in basic training and hasn't done anything super productive for the Alliance).
This would certainly make starting characters more on par with EotE characters, and provide a significant incentive for joining the Rebellion and gaining access to higher levels of equipment through the Duty mechanic, instead of constantly owning money to criminals or other obligations.
What do people think about this idea?