I've come to the sad conclusion that my life is too busy to allow me time for deck building.
If I'm going to continue to have fun with my WHI cards, I'm going to have to fall back on copying decklists from the Internet. But because my collection is old, I have to find old decklists to experiment with.
My collection goes through Fragments of Power (BloodQuest pack #2). According to BGG, this was published May 30, 2012. Does anyone know where I can find tournament write-ups (including decklists) from around that time, or shortly before?
I checked Deckbox, but the "Top Decks" list doesn't go back that far in time. And I couldn't find a search function that would help me find decklists from the date I'm looking for, or weed out good decks from experimental decks.
Thanks in advance for any advice.