More Dragon Cards

By mrfish1607, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

I don't know if this has been brought up, but I was wondering why there isn't a card for Vhagar and Meraxes. These cards can make a dragon deck more formidable. It just puzzles me why they didn't make such cards.

They did.... Both of those exist, kinda.

They did.... Both of those exist, kinda.

Well, obviously he means cards for the dragons Vhagar and Meraxes. What exists are cards for the ships Vhagar and Meraxes.

I've always been interested in them creating more Dragons... however that also would need to be well balanced against all the Dragon synergy that currently exists.

They haven't really printed any historical characters except for Rhaegar have they? And even then you could mostly argue that Rhaegar is on the cusp of the games scope as his death is a huge determining event in everything that happens in Westeros.

They haven't really printed any historical characters except for Rhaegar have they? And even then you could mostly argue that Rhaegar is on the cusp of the games scope as his death is a huge determining event in everything that happens in Westeros.

Well, there is that mutant Balerion the Black and Lyanna Stark... but Lyanna is as recent in history as Rhaegal so I guess she wouldn't count.

The Laughing Storm is historical.

The Laughing Storm is historical.

...and, according to his flavor text, hysterical.

Don't forget Arthur Dayne, his weapon, and Rhaegar's harp.
All historical in the sense that they take place before AGoT.

And Ser Gerold Hightower, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard who fought alongside The Sword of the Morning.

I got to chat with Damon at Gencon, and was able to ask about the likelihood of "legendary" cards in the future. He said they will not be very likely in the future, since it is something that some of the upper management limit strongly.

I wasn't aware of Vhagar and Meraxes as ships. That is odd for dragons to be made into ships.

SPOILER: Daenerys named the ships after some of the dragons so it's good and Nedly to have them in the game, plus FFG apparently wants Targ to have a few Warships for the keyword triggers.

Also, mrfish if you want to see some "formidable" Dragons, check out the old CCG versions, not sure how playable they were but they make the LCG ones look like Allies.

You guys also forgot Daemon Blackfyre when listing the historical cards. I feel like there are more that haven't been mentioned, but I'm drawing a blank

Of all mentioned, only Damon Blackfyre, Balerion the Black, and The Laughing Storm are pre-Rhaegar?

I want more dragons too!

I want more dragons too!

dcdennis are you meta trolling the boards by bumping all the threads on the front page? LoL.