Hey this isn't exactly a rules question but I'm not sure where to post it so I'm just going to post it here.
A group of friends and I have been playing a game Dark Heresy for quite some time now but I'm starting to wonder after reading several posts around the forum if my character is overpowered. By this I mean both in stats and equipment, but mostly equipment as I can't help the fact that I rolled well for my stats. He is a rank 8 (just barely spent 10,000xp) Assassin who focuses mainly on sniping but is quite good in combat as well, he is pretty much a generic assassin good at sneaking, sniping ect with a pretty good melee damage output too, as I like him to be versatile in combat. He is a Feral Worlder from Dusk this give him a nice strength + toughness + perception boost + willpower. As with most Assassins in Dark Heresy he is very much only good at 1 role, killing.I don't mind this though as it suits my play style quite well ^.^
His Stats are as follows
Weapon Skill : 55 (upgraded 4 times) (I rolled 33)
Ballistic Skill : 60 (upgraded 4 times) (I rolled 38)
Strength : 45 (upgraded twice) (I rolled 30)
Toughness : 45 (upgraded twice) (I rolled 30)
Agility : 55 (upgraded 4 times) (I rolled 35)
Intelligence : 31 (I rolled 31)
Perception : 33 (I rolled 30)
Wilpower : 35 (I rolled 37)
Fellowship : 26 (I rolled 31)
You may be wondering how I have 60 for my ballistic skill and 55 for my weapon skill if I only rolled 38 and 33 for them.The answer is I didn't, when rolling for my divination I got the one that added +2 to my Weapon skill and ballistic skill.I am pretty sure the stat i rerolled was ballistic skill as I didn't roll that good for it and I was planning on sniping.
Now I personally think my stats are very good for my level and I have poured TONS of xp into them.
Now for my equipment this is what I have :
Armour : I have common quality synskin with a camo lining (same effects as wearing a camo cloak with synskin I just didn't want to go around with a cape so GM let me put it in as a lining.)
Total Value for armor: 2500 + 500 = 3,000
Ranged Weapons :
Nomad common quality (Basic weapon Damage 1d10+5 pen 3 s/-/- clip: 4 Rld: full Reliable and Accurate)
Upgrades fire selector and silencer total Value 2000 + 200 = 2,200
Sacristan Bolt Pistol good quality (Pistol Weapon Damage 1d10+6 pen 4 clip: 6 Rld full Reliable and Tearing)
Upgrades red dot sight total value 380 x 3 = 1,140 + 100 = 1,240
Total Value for ranged weapons : 2,200 + 1,240 = 3,440
Melee Weapon
Great Lathe weapon (a great weapon formed in the shape of a two handed katana with the lathe weapon upgrade, I like to think of it as a samurai sword)
(Melee damage 2d10+2 Pen 5 Unwieldly + 10 WS)
Total Value for Melee weapons 100 + 2500 = 2,600
Total Value for all weapons = 3,440 + 2,600 = 6,040
So in terms of gear I pretty much have a Sniper a backup pistol and a katana for a melee weapon. I like to use 3 different kinds of ammo in my nomad though because I like to be able to tailor my ammo for specific targets.Although I use basic bolt shells in my pistol.
Nomad Ammo type 1 : regular bullets but inside the tip is a strong poison give my shots the toxic quality (these rounds are intended for lightly armored targets)
Nomad Ammo type 2 : hyper density penatrator rounds these halve the weapons range but give it + 2 pen and the tearing quality (these rounds are intended for heavily armored targets)
Nomad Ammo type 3 : these are the exact same as ammo type 2 but they are blessed (these rounds are intended for Daemons.)
I have only recently obtained the exotic rounds via my inquisitor as my latest mission was on the extremely dangerous death world of Malfi and as a result we were each given some fancy equipment I chose the new rounds. I usually carry 2 mags of each type 1 of each 3 in the rifle and 1 of each three as spare.
Ammo type 1 costs 10 per round 10 x 4 = 40 per mag 2 mags = 80.
Ammo type 2 costs 100 per round 100 x 4 = 400 per mag 2 mags = 800
Ammo Type 3 costs 100 per round 100 x 4 = 400 per mag 2 mags = 800 (they also have to be blessed by a priest)
Total Value for ammo = 80 + 800 + 800 = 1,680
Total Value for ALL equipment = 3,000 + 3,440 + 2,600 + 1,680 = 10,720
So what do you think? is my character overpowered or not? Btw once I reach ascended rank I plan on becoming a Vindicare Assassin.
Please reply as soon as you can.
Edited by mrbrent2