Do you people really believe that the game currently represents a good solution for Jedi roleplaying?
No. No you don't.
I believe!
But then, I believed I could fly as well, and that didn't work out so well for me...
Do you people really believe that the game currently represents a good solution for Jedi roleplaying?
No. No you don't.
I believe!
But then, I believed I could fly as well, and that didn't work out so well for me...
Let's put it this way: EotE and AoR aren't designed for players to start as Jedi "as in the Old Jedi Order(s)", though thankfully a career is only starting career skills and specializations (one for free, two at reduced cost), and unlike Saga the Force isn't handled through a (regular) skill so you can play "Force-wizard within the boundaries of the EotE/AoR rules"* just by paying a helluva lot of XP. (The lack of a Lightsaber skill by default -- and the possibility of the GM house-ruling in one -- is already explained in the book.)
* The lack of "Force-wizard as per other depictions" is also by design... presumably thanks to "lessons learned from watching Saga bloat".
Fantasy Flight seems determined to return Jedi to their pre- EU, pre-prequel (that was odd to write) power level. This is a good thing. The Force in the EU could basically be summed up as "there's a Force power for that" It became the answer to all things and lead to some shite story telling. A return to Return of the Jedi level Force powers is a welcome change IMHO.
I think they want to make Force-users like the Jedi cool because they use the Force and its powers, not because the Force and its powers make them into ubermen, head and shoulders above everyone else. So yeah I agree.
Edited by mouthymerc
Hmm... mind you, a
Return of the Jedi
-level Jedi "as embodied by Luke Skywalker" -- as our only point of reference in the original trilogy -- was already notable in combat relative to even a non-Force-wielder combatant as "good" as Boba Fett (his EU power level bloat* and jokes about jetpacks aside), so that ain't a half-bad place to be... but admittedly I'm still somewhat favorable to the Jedi depictions in the D6 sourcebooks that
directly "EU material" sourcebooks.
Fantasy Flight seems determined to return Jedi to their pre- EU, pre-prequel (that was odd to write) power level. This is a good thing. The Force in the EU could basically be summed up as "there's a Force power for that" It became the answer to all things and lead to some shite story telling. A return to Return of the Jedi level Force powers is a welcome change IMHO.
As far as reconciling the original trilogy with the prequels, even with "declarations in the EU" to rate him Luke only demonstrates in the movies a heckuva lot of
which is manifested as some nifty tricks and "ability with a lightsaber", whereas the seemingly "more" powerful Jedi in the prequels are instead benefiting from "lifelong" formal training with the notable exception of Anakin Skywalker... as in,
more XP... thankfully
Luke got more XP before trying The Vader Challenge again
* Before Karen Traviss and Mandalorians in general, it was Boba Fett specifically.
There are a good number of real Jedi left in the Rebellion era - but only 3 masters for certain that I know of: Rahm Kota (DFR), Obi-wan Kenobi (Ep IV), and Yoda (Ep V & VI).
But the rest are mostly "failed" jedi - Padawans or Initiates (Younglings) who managed to escape Order 66, tho a few knights are known as well.
Last time I played Jedi, he was a diplomat first, and only used the force when he had no other choice. Lightsaber use was even further down the priority list than that. It was quite tough given that this was Saga edition, EoE and AoR would have been far better for laying him the way I wanted.
I think that the best answer I can give the OP is that if you want to play full powered Jedi then use some of the fan made Jedi careers and specializations. Do bear in mind though that a Young Jedi Knight would have approximately FR 3 while a veteran would be FR 5 according to the table in the Beta book (which sadly seems to have been left out of the core book).
Fantasy Flight seems determined to return Jedi to their pre- EU, pre-prequel (that was odd to write) power level. This is a good thing. The Force in the EU could basically be summed up as "there's a Force power for that" It became the answer to all things and lead to some shite story telling. A return to Return of the Jedi level Force powers is a welcome change IMHO.
Hear! Hear!
I love that Jedi are being returned to their classic trilogy roots. It means that they can be awesome and engaging without nerfing other PCs with their sheer do-anything-anytime-anywhere-yo prowess.
Also, I like to think that there are other Masters alive beyond Kota, Yoda and Kenobi - but they're less active in their galaxy-wide exploits, thus making them background figures, hermits and boogeymen rather than someone you'd ever hear about.
That, and Yoda is
active (while Kenobi is a Force ghost*) in this setting unless the players somehow find out about him,
find out about Dagobah's existence,
it is...
survive the landing. Only then and not before do they get to try social checks...
If you're with the Rebellion, the other option besides Kota would be to try linking up with Corwin Shelvay, a Jedi apprentice turned Alliance recruiter, but he gave into his anger back in the day and so despite not falling he was ever cautious about use of the Force after that, and his training wasn't completed before his Master had been cut down by High Inquisitor Tremayne...
* Even if you set the campaign pre-Yavin, players would have to find out about "Old Ben Kenobi, the hermit of the Jundland Wastes", connect him to Obi-Wan "The Negotiator" Kenobi of the Clone Wars, find his residence and then track him down before they could make the relevant social checks...
Edited by ChortlesYep. If you don't like Jedi, this is the game system for you!
Oh, I love the Jedi, which is one of the reasons why I like this system. FFG appears to be going to great lengths to give them the proper treatment within the timeline that this system specifically focuses upon. Very WEG-like.
Oh, I love the Jedi, which is one of the reasons why I like this system. FFG appears to be going to great lengths to give them the proper treatment within the timeline that this system specifically focuses upon. Very WEG-like.
Amen to this.
Oh, I love the Jedi, which is one of the reasons why I like this system. FFG appears to be going to great lengths to give them the proper treatment within the timeline that this system specifically focuses upon. Very WEG-like.
I liked it when the Jedi were actual heroes and not male power fantasy... yes, I find these to be mutually exclusive.
(Which I suppose is countercultural these days considering more mainstream "heroes"
basically defined as male power fantasy instead of
being the good guys, but unless any of you want to actually ask me about that, that's neither here nor there.) I think that that's one of the things that makes the "WEG-specific" vision (as opposed to "sourcebook of EU material") of the Jedi resound with us... they feel like
the good guys
, someone we would actually want to cheer for...
West End Games: Still the best EU.
Yep. If you don't like Jedi, this is the game system for you!
Only as much as George Lucas "didn't like" Jedi in the original trilogy...
Gotta wait to see the flavor in AoR, but EotE is quite specific about "the Force" as of its setting, and it's hit it off with fans. Win-win, Fantasy Flight Games!
I liked it when the Jedi were actual heroes and not male power fantasy... yes, I find these to be mutually exclusive.
(Which I suppose is countercultural these days considering more mainstream "heroes" are basically defined as male power fantasy instead of actually being the good guys, but unless any of you want to actually ask me about that, that's neither here nor there.)
Man, you will probably find you have a lot more fun if you just relax and go with it instead of constantly trying to piss in to the wind.
I liked it when the Jedi were actual heroes and not male power fantasy... yes, I find these to be mutually exclusive.
(Which I suppose is countercultural these days considering more mainstream "heroes" are basically defined as male power fantasy instead of actually being the good guys, but unless any of you want to actually ask me about that, that's neither here nor there.)
Man, you will probably find you have a lot more fun if you just relax and go with it instead of constantly trying to piss in to the wind.
Pot? Kettle? Black? Any of these ring a bell?
I sense another derailing coming...
For those with the game, and who appreciate the classic trilogy, the system gets it right. With that in mind: those who love Jedi, will love this game.
Might not be ideally suited (yet! Bring on F&D) for TOR era Jedi, but for those who love the classic era, that's more than okay.