Use for KOTOR or Legacy era Jedi/Sith?

By SirUrza, in General Discussion

My group was disappointed that we couldn't use Edge of Empire to continue our high Force use campaign. We were at the time running a Legacy era campaign at the time and now we're running a KOTOR era campaign.

Does the beta look like it'd support such characters any better?

Edited by SirUrza


Nothing that really covers 'high force use' 'til 'Force and Destiny' drops in a year or so's time.

What Maelora said -- in TOR classes EOTE is the Smuggler/Bounty Hunter game, AOR is more the Trooper/Agent game, and F&D is where you get the Jedi; it's a deliberate design decision made long ago.

And even F&D might disappoint the most zealous force fanatics out there, at least I suspect so... of course, what is already in the game can support most stuff we've seen in the films and with some narrative and artistic freedom, what we see in some games and comics too. It'll just take more time to get there.

It depends on what you mean by "high Force use."

If you gave us a quick description of how the Force plays into combat & social encounters, I would probably have a better idea of how to answer your question. Also what kind of characters are your PCs into playing?

Well I have a duel wielding jedi who seems very focused on making all his attacks connect. I have another Jedi who basically uses his lightsaber for defense then uses everything telekinetic power (including Force Choak) he can find, he loves to throw everything in the scene.. including the kitchen sink.. at enemies. Lastly, I have a Jedi that's playing very acrobatic/duel of the fates scene style, she relies heavily on shatterpoint.

For the first character, you're looking at the Force-Sensitive Exile specialization, the Sense power and all of its "ongoing effect" Control upgrade branch, since the last upgrade in that branch upgrades the ability of that character's combat checks once when they commit a Force die.

For the second character, you're looking at the Force-Sensitive Exile, the Sense power and the first "ongoing effect" Control upgrade (commit a Force die, upgrade the difficulty of attacks against that character once), the Move power and as at least the first Strength upgrade and the first Control upgrade.

Finally, for the third character you'd need AoR -- you're looking at the Force-Sensitive Emergent specialization , the Enhance power and the "Force Leap" Control upgrade branch.

EDIT: Late edit, I know, but I realized only just now -- sorry! -- that by RAW-in-beta the Enhance power does not require the Force Sensitive Emergent specialization, only Force rating 1+; so a Force Sensitive Exile could also buy the Enhance power.

Edited by Chortles

I imagine we'll see powers for deflecting blaster bolts, etc. in the third book. As Chortles said, though, most of those Force uses can be done with powers from the first two books.

However, the Force-sensitive specializations can't be your first choice. Right now, there isn't really a specialization that is meant for Jedi. I suppose you could go Marauder for a saber stylist, but it just feels wrong, even if the talents are designed with melee combat in mind. Certainly none of the career/specializations has skills set up with Jedi in mind.

If you're looking for full-bore rules for Force-users, then you're stuck waiting for Force & Destiny, much as FFG stated when they announced their RPG product line.

The only things that the AoR Beta adds for Force-users are a couple new powers to flesh out the options for Force-users and covering more of what we see in the movies (only thing really missing at this point is a direct-damage effect to cover Vader's Force choke or the Emperor's Force lightning) and another Force-sensitive specialization.

That said, if you really do want to have full-blown Jedi in your games without waiting for Force & Destiny, there's the very-well written "Edge of the Jedi" fan supplement written by Phil "DarthGM" (aka the guy behind the Fragments of the Rim segments of the Order 66 podcast). Most of the Jedi Career's specs make use of talents found in the EotE core rulebook, though he does have a number of home-brewed talents used in his three Lightsaber Form talent trees.

I know they're only minor things, but the fact that stats for the lightsaber and even Jedi robes (beta book, Jedi-in-Hiding stats, +1 Soak) are included in the books means that you could start building toward 'prequel' Jedi. It'll take a lot of XP and investment, but it is possible (you can, after all, get your characters to FR 3 with EOTE and AOR - FR 1 from entering into either specialisation, and then +1 per Force Rating talent).

I know they're only minor things, but the fact that stats for the lightsaber and even Jedi robes (beta book, Jedi-in-Hiding stats, +1 Soak) are included in the books means that you could start building toward 'prequel' Jedi. It'll take a lot of XP and investment, but it is possible (you can, after all, get your characters to FR 3 with EOTE and AOR - FR 1 from entering into either specialisation, and then +1 per Force Rating talent).

Well, you could start doing that with just the EotE book, since the Exile gives you Force-sensitivity and it also had stats for a lightsaber, particularly as it offered Sense (defensive boosts) and Influence (mind trick).

The Jedi robes pretty much just look to be heavy clothing under a different name, much the same as other NPC stat blocks list things like "blast vest (+1 Soak)" or "officer uniform (+1 Soak)" or "trooper uniform and helmet (+1 Soak)." Mechanically, they're all just "heavy clothing," but have a more evocative name.

The Jedi robes pretty much just look to be heavy clothing under a different name, much the same as other NPC stat blocks list things like "blast vest (+1 Soak)" or "officer uniform (+1 Soak)" or "trooper uniform and helmet (+1 Soak)." Mechanically, they're all just "heavy clothing," but have a more evocative name.

True, but it still helps to give weight to the fact that you can run a Jedi character at this point - just not a very powerful one. And given that this game is fueled by the narrative, you could easily have even a FR 2-3 character performing some remarkable feats - especially if you have access to the Enhance power.

Alternately, you can run a Jedi, even a relatively powerful one (as Shakespearian_Soldier said, some of it will be plain ol' narrative) -- but it will cost an inordinately high amount of XP.

Agreed. If you're good with the narrative, even a FR 3 character can be truly memorable in what they do. Hell, Luke was minor league in the "flashy" department during ESB (compared to prequel Jedi), but he was still awesome in all regards.

Edited by Shakespearian_Soldier

Agreed. If you're good with the narrative, even a FR 3 character can be truly memorable in what they do. Hell, Luke was minor league in the "flashy" department during ESB (compared to prequel Jedi), but he was still awesome in all regards.

Actually, I'd say it was really in RotJ that he hit his stride as a Jedi, but even still he wasn't all that flashy in comparison to the prequel Jedi. He did a couple of impressive leaps during the Sarlacc Pit fight, but for the most part relied on his lightsaber. That can easily be covered by the Enhance power's "Force Leap" upgrade, and his combat prowess by both of Sense's Control Upgrades. I figure he was FR3 at that point, which even if just using official material is achievable by a PC. Expensive to be certain, but achievable.

The only thing really missing in terms of Jedi-ness is an official Lightsaber skill, but the EotE books (Beta & core) both gave suggestions on how to cover that.

Do you people really believe that the game currently represents a good solution for Jedi roleplaying?

No. No you don't.

Do you people really believe that the game currently represents a good solution for Jedi roleplaying?

No. No you don't.

Not without a whole lot of home brewing. In short, you are the GM.

I'm currently playing a Jedi. a padawan at the moment, with a busted lightsabre, but he's getting there. so, yes, I do believe it's possible.

I think the other thing to note is that there are a bunch more specialisations that can add to or enhance the Jedi-ness of a character. Soldiers make good guardians, politicos and doctors good consulars, etc. There is more to Jedi than the Force. I think it was Yoda who at one point said that those who delve deeper into the mysteries of the Force end up using it less.

Do you people really believe that the game currently represents a good solution for Jedi roleplaying?

No. No you don't.

It's not supposed to be.

Do you people really believe that the game currently represents a good solution for Jedi roleplaying?

No. No you don't.

It depends on the power level you're looking for. With only a few notable exceptions (lack of Jedi career and blaster deflection come to mind), yes, I think that the current game provides a solid Jedi experience. Is it as outrageous and "comic book-y" as some other systems? Nope. But I think you can play something comparable to the original trilogy, or EU pre-1999 (the works of Kevin Anderson not included).

Do you people really believe that the game currently represents a good solution for Jedi roleplaying?

No. No you don't.

Actually, yes, yes I do. Don't presume to speak for me, or for others.

Oh, good grief fellas...

On a good roll with FR 3, you can net 6 light side icons. More than enough for awesomeness. :)

Oh, good grief fellas...

You see enough of ErikB's posts, you'll get that this is S.O.P. for him. There's a very good reason that folks such as myself and HappyDaze have set up our accounts to ignore his posts.