Given FFG seem to be returning to the old Only War style wound system, and the currenty narrative wound system is iffy at best, I thought I'd take a stab at making my own narrative wound system. I figured I might as well post it here for feedback, and it might even be useful for someone else's houseruling.
It's worth noting this system is definitely intended to be fairly lethal. I want combat to be over fast, and I want armour to really count. The system takes some inspiration from Savage Worlds, and Shadowrun to some extent.
The actual effects of minor and major wounds are very much non-final, I just wanted to give an idea of the kind of things to be expected. I'll likely simplify Major Wounds a little, I want to minimize how much people need to flip through the rulebook, so memorable rules will help a lot. I intentionally avoided Characteristic Loss, because I'm not a fan of it at all, it just turns Characteristic Advances into a major XP sink.
Anyway, onto the rules. Critique welcomed, feel free to be nasty.
Your ability to resist damage is measured by your Toughness Bonus (Tb). After reducing damage by your armour value, and applying any other damage modifiers, compare the resulting damage value to your Tb. Toughness Bonus does NOT reduce the amount of damage you take.
· No damage dealt: No effect.
· Equal to or beneath Tb: The attack shakes you, inflicting one point of fatigue.
· Above Tb: The attack deals a Minor Wound
· Above 2xTb: The attack deals a Major Wound
· Above 3xTb: The attack deals a Grievous Wound
· Above 4xTb: The character is killed outright
Example 1 Quentis has a Toughness of 48, meaning his Toughness Bonus (Tb) is 4, and an armour value of 3. He's hit with a lasgun, taking 14 damage. After reducing this damage by his armour, he's left with 11 damage, which exceeds his Tb multiplied by two (8), but is below his Tbx3 (12). This means Quentis suffers a major wound.
Example 2 Tanda has a Toughness of 35, meaning her Tb is 3, and she has an armour value of 4. She's hit by a particularly nasty sniper rifle shot, dealing 19 damage. After reducing this damage by her armour, the attack deals 15 damage. This attack well exceeds Tanda's Tbx4, meaning she's killed outright.
The Wound Track
Often it’s not one powerful, lethal hit that takes down a character, but a succession of lesser wounds that eventually lead to the body giving up. This is represented by the Wound Track. The Wound Track has six boxes. When a Minor Wound is received, fill in one box. When a Major Wound is received, fill in two boxes. When a Grievous Wound is received, fill in three boxes. As soon as every box is filled in, the character is rendered Unconscious. Any further wounding hits sustained while a character is Unconscious result in death.
Example Beckett has already sustained a Grievous Wound, worth three boxes on the Wound Track. In the next round, he suffers a Minor Wound, worth one box, and a Major Wound, worth two boxes. Because of this, he’s filled in all six boxes on the wound track, meaning he’s rendered Unconscious. Any further wounding hits will kill him instantly!
Righteous Fury
When rolling damage for a successful hit, if any die rolled results in a natural 10, the hit inflicts a particular brutal blow and triggers righteous fury. Righteous Fury upgrades the status of the wound inflicted by one step. Fatigue damage becomes a Minor Wound, a Minor Wound becomes a Major Wound, a Major Wound becomes a Grievous Wound, and a Grievous Wound becomes an instant death result. If the damage doesn’t manage to exceed the target’s armour value, a point of fatigue damage is still dealt.
Minor Wounds
While Minor Wounds may be called minor, they’re by no means negligible. Depending on the damage type, apply the following effects.
· Energy: Make an Agility test. If failed, gain Burning (DoF), to a maximum of five.
· Impact: Make a Strength test. If failed, the location hit gains the Crippled condition for 1d5 rounds.
· Rending: Make a Toughness test. If failed, gain Bleeding (DoF) to a maximum of five.
Major Wounds
Major Wounds are often debilitating, severely impacting a character’s ability to perform in combat. When dealt a major wound, the suffering character makes a Hard (-10) Characteristic Test, with the characteristic decided by the location hit.
· Head - Willpower
Success: Dazed for 5-TB rounds, to a minimum of 1 round. 1d5 Perception Decay.
Failure: Stunned for a number of rounds equal to the Degrees of Failure on the test, and dazed for one round after recovery. 1d10 Perception Decay.
· Leg - Agility
Success: Knocked Prone. 1d5 Agility Decay.
Failure: Knocked Prone and Slowed for a number of rounds equal to the Degrees of Failure on the test. 1d10 Agility Decay.
· Arm - Strength
Success: Drop anything held in the limb, scattering 1d5-1 metres. 1d5 WS+BS Decay.
Failure: Drop anything held in the limb, scattering 1d5-1 metres. Limb is Crippled for 1d5+2 rounds. 1d10 WS+BS Decay.
· Torso - Toughness
Success: 2 fatigue. 1d5 Toughness Decay.
Failure: Weakened (1) until end of encounter. 2 fatigue. 1d10 Toughness decay
Additionally, an extra effect is applied based on damage type. If the attack was an Energy attack, the character suffers from Burning (1d5). If the attack was a Rending attack, he suffers Bleeding (1d5). If the attack was an Impact attack, he suffers Weakened (1), lasting until the end of the encounter.
Grievous Wounds
Grievous Wounds are particularly vicious, often leading to death. A Grievous Wound always leads to the loss of a body part.
· Head - Lost Eye condition. Dazed for 1d5+2 rounds.
· Leg - Lost Foot or Leg condition. Instantly knocked prone.
· Arm - Lost Hand or Arm condition. Any items held in the limb lost are dropped to the floor, scattering 1d5-1 metres.
· Torso - Lost Internal Organ condition. Weakened (2), removed at the end of the encounter.
As well, Grievous Wounds can easily lead to shock. When suffering a Grievous Wound, the suffering character makes a Very Hard (-20) Toughness Test. If this is failed, the character is Stunned for a number of rounds equal to the Degrees of Failure on the test. If DoF exceed four, the character is knocked unconscious for the remainder of the encounter.