Here is a list of variants I have been working on to speed up the game:
- Use the threat track
- Start with 5 Gold
- Each player starts with a 1 cost ally at random
- Fully heal in cities for one gold (skip market step)
- Start each market with 3 items, use split market deck variant
- Softer knockouts. Loose half gold only, sent back to nearest town
- Use leveling variant from Frozen Waste
- Give up movement dice to heal. Roll, if it matches the terrain you are on heal you heal one.
May give up multiple dice to heal more than once
- Gain gold equal to XP earned.
- Critical hits deal double damage (rolling a natural 20 is a critical hit)
- Give up movement die to rest
- Loose/skip a turn to fully heal/rest in the wild
Still trying to figure out the best combination for solo and two player games. Any thoughts or suggestions? I would love to add some ideas to the list so please share your own variants.
Edited by Master of R'lyeh