Theomancer on Rank 4 - How?

By Giltintur, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Heyya everyone!

So, I'm planning to make a tainted-pskyer badboy, and to maximize my psychic power, I decided to take the following alternate career ranks:

Rank 4 - Theomancer
Rank 5 - Imperial Diviner
Rank 6 - Tainted Psyker

It should work nice and dany, BUT there is a slight problem with it:

According to the Daemon Hunter Handbook to become a Theomancer I need the following:

  • Required Career: Imperial Psyker
  • Alternate Rank: Rank 4 or higher (2,000xp)
  • Other Requirements: At least one Psychic Power from the Divination Discipline

Now, what I'd love to know, is how I'm supposed to become a Themonacer on Rank 4, if the only way to gain a Discipline Psychic Power, is by purchasing Psychic power 3 from the Rank 4 Scholar Materium table or by purchasing Psychic Power from the Rank 4 Savant-Warrant table.

However, the Theomancer Table does contain the Psychic Rating 3 talent...

Unless you can't attain Psy Rating 3 at Rank 3 through some means, you can't take Theomancer at Rank 4, it seems. I'm not aware of any such option in the game (not that I remember them all, mind), so your only real options are to either wait until Rank 5 to gain the alternate Rank, or point this out to your GM and ask that he waive the restriction.

there a # of "newer" alt ranks that have that issue.. Suffering Marshall has something much like that. What our GM has done is allow us to take the skill from "stock" rank table as an Elite Adavantage at +50 over base cost