Heyya everyone!
So, I'm planning to make a tainted-pskyer badboy, and to maximize my psychic power, I decided to take the following alternate career ranks:
Rank 4 - Theomancer
Rank 5 - Imperial Diviner
Rank 6 - Tainted Psyker
It should work nice and dany, BUT there is a slight problem with it:
According to the Daemon Hunter Handbook to become a Theomancer I need the following:
- Required Career: Imperial Psyker
- Alternate Rank: Rank 4 or higher (2,000xp)
- Other Requirements: At least one Psychic Power from the Divination Discipline
Now, what I'd love to know, is how I'm supposed to become a Themonacer on Rank 4, if the only way to gain a Discipline Psychic Power, is by purchasing Psychic power 3 from the Rank 4 Scholar Materium table or by purchasing Psychic Power from the Rank 4 Savant-Warrant table.
However, the Theomancer Table does contain the Psychic Rating 3 talent...