Space Wolfs?

By Aggroculture, in Deathwatch House Rules

Hi guys first time post, only been playing 40k and deathwatch for a few months now but ive known about the games for some time.

Im an Imperial guard player but the Space Wolfs are my favorite chapter and i was hoping some one have some ideas on how to make a thunder wolf mount, i think i could use the cavalry rules from only war since deathwatch only has vehicle rules, was just wondering what the stats would be.

Another think a friend was telling me about is when they create space wolfs theres a chance that the man couldnt handle the geneseed so the geneseed mutates the person into a, for lack of a better word, a werewolf. From what i understand the space marine if fine till the battle starts but once that starts he transform and goes nuts on the closed enemy.

There are stats for a Fenrisian Wolf as a Greater Follower (1500xp) in Deathwatch: First Founding.

If you are playing Deathwatch, you might want to acquire that as a Greater Follower, and then adjust it by the mount rules in Only War and ride it using those rules.

A Thunder Wolf would need to be larger and stronger to carry a space marine. This should be reflected in it's greater stats and XP cost. Perhaps 2000 XP is a reasonable cost.

A Thunder Wolf would need to be larger and stronger to carry a space marine. This should be reflected in it's greater stats and XP cost. Perhaps 2000 XP is a reasonable cost.

The thunder wolf described in First Founding is already described as being plenty big. The actual size and so is a mostly a simple fluffing issue.

Either way, you'd have to take the Only War mount rules into account when recreating the wolf. The statline was mostly for reference.

Another think a friend was telling me about is when they create space wolfs theres a chance that the man couldnt handle the geneseed so the geneseed mutates the person into a, for lack of a better word, a werewolf. From what i understand the space marine if fine till the battle starts but once that starts he transform and goes nuts on the closed enemy.

It's called the Curse of the Wulfen. Mutation only happens in really extreme circumstances but to a greater or lesser extent, that's what the Space Wolves Primarch's Curse is (see the Deathwatch rulebook).

Basically the thing only applies the more insane you get. So send the marine mad and hey presto, someone who wont back down!