[Campaign] Colonial Exploration

By Castlecruncher, in Game Masters

So, this idea has come to me recently, now that I'm learning about the colonial period in America.

Basically, the PCs are hired as guards to protect a new colony heading out to the Wild Space to start a new colony, as it supposedly has some rare minerals. They are just social outcasts, and won't say exactly where they are headed. They are transporting everyone in their own ships, because the path is complicated and requires a lot twists and turns.

It turns out after a solid week of traveling in these large colonial ships (Consisting mainly of Humans, Ithorians, and some Duros, with a few scattered races as protection and random individuals), they have arrived at their destination, a system that is surrounded by nubuli that won't let any astrogation possible.

It turns out at this point that this is actually the Unknown Regions, and these colonists humans people escaping Imperial opression (the Humans tried to help aliens, the Ithorians were trying to preserve nature on industrial planets, and the Duros were just out to get a colony). The captain will apologize that he didn't tell the guards sooner (as there are plenty of them), because if they knew they were going into Unknown Space, the Empire would follow and annialate them. It's too late to go back now, as the hyper lanes have all collapsed. The PCs are now stuck on an unknown planet.

The colonization quickly begins, and the PCs have the opportunity to help (they are offered food and shelter in exchange for aid). If the PCs had Obligation, it's followed them on the ship, by sneaking on and hiding away, or just being a colonist (if they have the obligation to protect a little sister, they went to protect her on the way). Credits are still the main source of currency, and there are thirteen planets under colonization (direct reference to the thirteen colonies).

However, as the colonies progress, and a few weeks pass by with simple jobs like fighting off animals and trading supplies, it is discovered that there are native races to these planets. They resemble large space badgers, and are really just a bunch of murderous pirates. They will mainly attack the settlers, though a few will do trade with them. The PCs now have a new enemy to fight.

This is a tight sector, and the space badgers, known as the Urraka, have primitive ships that can take them between the planets. They will often do raids on the unprepared colonists, who only brought enough guards to see that everyone is relatively safe.

There is now a war going on between the colonists and the Urraka, which pits the PCs in the middle to either bring peace or annihalate the enemy.

I'll keep going on this campaign, but for now this is the basis. Fell free to give me your thoughts!

You should have the Empire show up and demand taxes...and then have the colonists dump all of their Imperial Tea out of the airlocks of the Imperial cargo ships. They can then start importing Neimoidians as slave labor to grow and harvest t'bac which they can then sell to the 'Large Space Badgers,' for massive profit. The colonists will introduce diseases like Cholera, Neimoidian Brainworm Rot, and Rabies, which (along with the addictive t'bac sticks) kills off much of the Large Space Badger population. After that, they can round up all of the remaining Large Space Badgers and force them on to the least desirable land of the 13 planets.

Just brainstorming here ;)

Edited by Brother Bart

Sounds interesting if your group is into it. It really isn't Star Wars anymore with this campaign, that doesn't mean it can't be great but it's not something I would spring on my group if they all thought they were going to be playing a normal Star Wars campaign.

Sounds interesting if your group is into it. It really isn't Star Wars anymore with this campaign, that doesn't mean it can't be great but it's not something I would spring on my group if they all thought they were going to be playing a normal Star Wars campaign.

Well fine, they are also all jedi. There, star wars enough for ya? :P

Sounds interesting if your group is into it. It really isn't Star Wars anymore with this campaign, that doesn't mean it can't be great but it's not something I would spring on my group if they all thought they were going to be playing a normal Star Wars campaign.

Well fine, they are also all jedi. There, star wars enough for ya? :P

Well, in fairness, I think archon has a point. I think the OP's idea sounds very cool and sounds like a good starting point for a campaign... but he should make sure his players are onboard with something a little away from the "traditional model." If they're fans of, say, DS9, Babylon 5, and/or the new BSG, this will probably be right up their alley, but if the come in expecting something very different, there may be disappointment or "when are we gonna get to the 'good' stuff?"

I don't think Castlecruncher needs to make adjustments to his idea, just make sure the PCs have a good feel for what they might be getting into.

For example, back in 2002, I think I pitched my campaign something like this: "I want to do Star Wars, but I want to create a new Sector that's sort of like the Old West that you'll be in. Picture Star Wars but with some of the feel of Firefly and some of the politics of Babylon 5. There will definitely be Star Wars-style action, but you may never set foot on Tatooine or Coruscant. You okay with that?" This gave the players an idea of what to expect (or not expect) without ruining a lot of the surprise.

I don't think Castlecruncher needs to make adjustments to his idea, just make sure the PCs have a good feel for what they might be getting into.

For example, back in 2002, I think I pitched my campaign something like this: "I want to do Star Wars, but I want to create a new Sector that's sort of like the Old West that you'll be in. Picture Star Wars but with some of the feel of Firefly and some of the politics of Babylon 5. There will definitely be Star Wars-style action, but you may never set foot on Tatooine or Coruscant. You okay with that?" This gave the players an idea of what to expect (or not expect) without ruining a lot of the surprise.

Likewise, if I knew the direction of the campaign would be an exploration colonization thing I would be on board with that too because my mindset would be completely different. My suggestion is don't spring it on them.

Edited by archon007

Thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to tell them about the basics before we begin, but I'm pretty sure most of them will be okay with it. And even if they say they don't want to play it, I have another, more free roam campaign set up that they may enjoy.

Also, the idea of this is a kind of frontier setting. Once the PCs get enough recognition, they will be allowed to go on pick up runs to get supplies that are running low in the new colonies. Eventually, some sort of organization (not the Imperials, because they'd immediately crush and enslave the colonies) will begin harassing the colonists to give them credits, in exchange for keeping the secret safe and away from the Empire.

A little bit more on the idea: The colonise are set up in more or less a line, structured around the same size as the actual American colonies. There will be the Eastern, Middle, and Western regions (based off of the galactic compass), with Humans east, Ithorians Middle, and Duros West (for the most part, because they'll spread out a bit).

The planets will, in fact, have very large amounts of a native plant that is very addictive. It isn't drugs, and has little negative effect (except for addiction, of course), and is even rather plesent to be under. However, the Urraka will begin restraining the colonists from using it, causing outright chaos as the colonists go crazy wanting the stuff.

A little revenge on history.

There will also be more, such as main characters and groups and organizations, but I'vs yet to completely work them out yet.

And I have to say, it's kind of weird being talked about on my own post like I'd just upped and disappeared, and it's only been one stinking day!