Challenge Die

By dhrocks, in WFRP Rules Questions

Hi all -

Still learning the ropes just need some clarification in regard to challenge die.

1. When do I add more than one challenge in combat and why?

2. When do I add x amount of challenge die in other situations and why?

Thanks for the clarification!

Examples of 2-4 difficulty combats: Anything that would make it harder to hit your opponent with a higher chance of chaos star (aka something going horribly wrong). Examples include: fighting on a cliff or narrow precipice; standing on a chunk of floating stone on a river of hot lava while , trying to get through a stampeding herd of cows while fighting, climbing a tree and fighting at the same time, etc.

Challenge dice. There is a page of ides for this in the core rulebook, but most common examples include: darkness (4 black), fog, standing in a flowing river, fighting while standing on a frozen lake, swamps, cover, concealment, foliage, etc.



Thanks a heap of replying! Would you be able to direct me those examples in the rulebook that you're referring to?

Just to clarify - so other examples (non-combat) for varying the challenge dice include things like:

Sneaking past a guard: this is based on opposed characteristics meaning heroes agility versus intellect? So if they both have a characteristic of say 4 - it would be 2 challenge dice added to the pool?

Thanks again in advance if you can help me out.

the check would an Average (2d) Stealth check (stealth (ag) 4 vs observation (int) 4)


Thanks a heap of replying! Would you be able to direct me those examples in the rulebook that you're referring to?

Core rulebook page: 60.

Usually black dice will suffice, but in case you as the GM feel that there is a chance of something going horribly wrong (i.e. you want increased chance of a chaos star), then you can use purples instead.

Edited by Emirikol