This is a thread for breathless enthusiasm about the mighty Incom T-65 starfighter, known in service with the Alliance to Restore the Republic as the X-Wing.
For the purposes of this thread, one must be as excited about X-Wings as Christian Bale is about Mustangs in this clip:-
I am a big fan of X-Wings. After the first time I saw Star Wars I demanded that my dad construct me one out of lego (this was long before you could buy official tm Star Wars lego). The first video game I bought with my own money was the collectors edition of Lucasarts X-Wing, and I will always fly an X-Wing if one is available in a game, even if other ships are better. With the USS Enterprise, I think the X-Wing is one of the truly great science fiction vehicle designs.
So what? you might ask. I don't really know. I just love X-Wings. I think that clip from Empire of the Sun really captures the excitement I still get from pondering them. So, anyone got any good ponders, especially as they might relate to Star Wars roleplaying?
Edited by ErikB