Net Damage - Random Discard?

By Buatha, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

I've scanned the 12 pages here and didn't see anyone ask this question, so it's either a dumb question or I'm reading it correctly.

Is it really random or does the Runner simply choose two cards to discard?

To me, random means I shuffle my hand, keep the cards facedown, then select two cards.

Don't check the boards, check the rulebook. On page 20:

Net damage: The Runner randomly trashes one card from
his grip for each point of net damage done to him.
Random means random. So you can do the shuffle-and-pick method, or roll a die, or whatever seems good to you.
Edited by radiskull

Any sufficient method of randomisation will do - I usually shuffle, turn face-down and let the corp player choose the cards. That way I'm also eliminating any accusations of card-counting.

Don't check the boards, check the rulebook. On page 20:

Net damage: The Runner randomly trashes one card from
his grip for each point of net damage done to him.
Random means random. So you can do the shuffle-and-pick method, or roll a die, or whatever seems good to you.

Well, yeah, that's where I got the word 'random' :)

I'm sorry, but the rules were taking painstaking detail with the Corporation's hand dealing with a Runner choosing the cards when attacking HQ, yet didn't really say much about the Runner player doing the random thing for Net/Meat damange. I figured it was just that, but I had to ask to be sure. I know one of my friends will ask about it.