I got my first taste of the RPG system this past monday when my best friend wanted to GM the intro kit game with a group of friends to get us into the system. I had a lot of fun and thought about getting into the game system in the near future, when I went into my FLGS and saw Age of Rebellion's beta right on the shelf. It is cheaper than the Egde of the Empire book, newer content than what's available in EotE, and features the Rebel-Empire conflict which I find more interesting, so I got it! And I'm thinking of trying to DM a game session or in the very least, generate a character there and hop into my friend's EoTE campaign.
I'm curious if anyone else is getting into the system for the first time with this book. I own RPG books but this is the first time I'm thinking of finally participating in one and actually using the system. I'm not sure if I'm the ideal audience for this, since I won't be stressing the engine, but I feel in the least I could offer feedback in areas from a beginner's perspective.