By MUTANT PAUL, in Mutant Chronicles

Is it planned to release figures frome other corporations; or figures such as Bio Giant or the other personalities of the Mutant Chronicles Universe?



can't give aything other then speculation right now. I do know that there is a Biogiant and an advanced biogiant figure that has been made (couldnt; tell you if/when it will be released) and that there are figs for mitch and max (again dunno about release) and there had been some direct rumors from FFG about an imperial war pack. There are also some other Illian Figs that we've seen pictures of, but no clue about release again.

Divine Retribution was the last warpack released. I hope, there will be some more. At the moment, the following miniatures from the base set are still missing:

3 - Advanced Bio Giant
4 - Bio Giant
8 - Infernal Corroder

16- Max Steiner
17- Battlesuit Prototype
21- Dragoon
22- Dragoon Kapitan
23- Etoilles Mortant
24- Security Specialist

40- Mitch Hunter
42- Free Marine Hero
44- Free Marine Tank Hunter
45- Freedom Brigadier Sergeant

The first "Map Pack" did also not it the stores, but had a "web release" on the FFG website.

Undead/Cursed Legionaires and Mercurian Spawn are two more (Ilidan?) warpacks without any news about a possible release.

The Cursed Legionnaire/Undead Legionnaire warpack was planned for Ilian faction too.