Descent Journey into the darkness

By bone head joe, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

On Divine Retribution what does ability ignores the undying ability mean?

When Blade of Light is picked up in quest #6 do the heros keep it through other quests?

When you buy extra trait cards do those cards remain with you throughout the other quests?

Crystal of Tival and Flute of Repose do they have to be in your pouch or can they be set with your equipt items without having to be used right away?

On burn tokens is it just one burn per attack, or a burn token for each damage given?

What is bleed and daze?

"Ignores Undying" means that if you kill a figure with Undying, it doesn't get to roll to see if it comes back to life, it just automatically dies.

Nothing carries over to the next quest. No treasures, no coins, no skills, no relics, nothing. Completely blank slate with the normal 300 coins starting money every single quest.

There's some ambiguity regarding exactly how the Crystal of Tival and similar items were intended to be used, but I generally allow heroes to equip them without using them.

The Burn ability only adds 1 Burn token per attack, regardless of damage done. Same for Stun , Web , and similar abilities. The one exception is Poison , which adds 1 Poison token per wound --and unlike the other effects, Poison does nothing if the attack is completely absorbed by armor, shields, or the like.

Bleed and Daze are status effects from the Well of Darkness expansion. All the expansion rules can be downloaded from the Descent support page if you want to read about them.

Antistone said:

"Ignores Undying" means that if you kill a figure with Undying, it doesn't get to roll to see if it comes back to life, it just automatically dies.

Nothing carries over to the next quest. No treasures, no coins, no skills, no relics, nothing. Completely blank slate with the normal 300 coins starting money every single quest.

There's some ambiguity regarding exactly how the Crystal of Tival and similar items were intended to be used, but I generally allow heroes to equip them without using them.

The Burn ability only adds 1 Burn token per attack, regardless of damage done. Same for Stun , Web , and similar abilities. The one exception is Poison , which adds 1 Poison token per wound --and unlike the other effects, Poison does nothing if the attack is completely absorbed by armor, shields, or the like.

Bleed and Daze are status effects from the Well of Darkness expansion. All the expansion rules can be downloaded from the Descent support page if you want to read about them.

I differ on your opinion, campaign rules state that the the Hero players get to keep there Heroes and Starting Three Skills nothing more, And depending on the number of succesfull dungeons they completed they would get a bonus of gold and stuff, and the OL depending on there avarage level will get extra threat and cards (only at the beginning of the game).

StarBurn said:

I differ on your opinion, campaign rules state that the the Hero players get to keep there Heroes and Starting Three Skills nothing more, And depending on the number of succesfull dungeons they completed they would get a bonus of gold and stuff, and the OL depending on there avarage level will get extra threat and cards (only at the beginning of the game).

That's not a difference of opinion, that's you describing an optional extra rule and me describing the normal rules.

I don't want to put words in his mouth, but it was clear to me that he was inquiring about the campaing rules.

StarBurn said:

I don't want to put words in his mouth, but it was clear to me that he was inquiring about the campaing rules.

Many times on this board we must clearly state what rules are normal and what ones are optional or RTL and what ones are house rules. This is because many new players come here for clarification and they can be confused by answers that do not state when something is "normal", "optional", "RTL" or "house".

StarBurn said:

and the OL depending on there avarage level will get extra threat and cards (only at the beginning of the game).

Omg did I miss something since the begining? I'm the OL and we played all the JITD and we're mid-WOL... What's the extra-threat/cards for the OL? I don't have access to my quest book (only the online manuals for now). Is it in the JITD quest book?

****... If I was suppose to have a bonus, i'll retaliate so much on them! Mwahahahahah

Yes, the quests are designed for both sides to start from scratch, so if the heroes get an extra bonus, the OL is supposed to get an extra bonus as well to even things up.

The rules are printed on the cover of the JitD quest book, and thus are not available from the support page.

thank you for your answers

Can someone help us with a question on the shield? What exactly does the shield do? I read it as though it eliminates all pierce or can be exhausted to eliminate 1 wound, am I right?

bone head joe said:

Can someone help us with a question on the shield? What exactly does the shield do? I read it as though it eliminates all pierce or can be exhausted to eliminate 1 wound, am I right?

I'm not sure where you are getting the pierce thing from. No shield in the game eliminates pierce (that I remember), and shields never impact the pierce rating of an attack. Shield are exhausted to eliminate X number of wounds, after armor has been deducted from the damage done by the attack roll.

In the rule book for DJD under pierce it states Shields are not affected by pierce ability. What does that mean?

It means that if you attack a figure that has 3 armor and the attacker has pierce 4 that extra pierce goes to waste. If that same figure being attacked had a shield the extra pierce wouldn't affect the shield and X wounds are still canceled from the attack.