Anyone have any good ideas for this uber-sniper character? I've tested 2 or 3 versions as of yet and every single one has been severely underpowered.
Right now I'm fiddling with the idea of a new weapon-type:
Sniper, 7 (possibly 8) dice, unlike Heavy weapons, sniper weapons may ONLY attack on overwatch.
I made Freya's special object to be that evil-eye thing from Field Ops, it allows her to make an attack against any enemy model on the board negating LOS.
-At the end of a turn, if Freya is still on overwatch, she may either Place the "scope" token on a character card, or Attack an enemy whose card has the "scope" token. (possibility: remove the scope token whenever Freya attacks)
I like the game mechanic thus far, only is has proven to be very very ineffective. Ideas?
Edited by GrandClam