Warhammer Online Novemeber 27th is Chicken Day!

By vermillian2, in UFS Off Topic

I'm actually quite doubting that any of you guys play Warhammer Online, despite there having been a ... "expansion" for warhammer online for this TCG ... of not legal for tournament play sort... but I do. and I've organized the following online event.

NOV 27th in honor of THANKSGIVING: ALL DAY ALL SERVERS Tier 1 RvR Human v Chaos

Fight in open realm versus realm areas as a rank 12+ (rank 13+ for open rvr servers) to fight as chickens! Let the massive chicken fest begin!

(for those of you that don't know... in Warhammer Online, when you enter Player v Player areas you get a stat buff so you can actually participate and not such completely, however, if you are of too high of a rank (level) you suffer the cowards reward, which is becoming a chicken with like very few hit points and hardly any damage)

Chicken fights! Lol, please YouTube the fall out :D

Lol looks funny

in b4 chicken kick ref

I am not savvy in the ways of recording the goings ons of my computer's actions.. I can take screenshots though!