Sorcerer Question

By Rimmer1, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Re; The "Sorcerer" talent, Radicals Handbook, page 168.

When first taken as a talent (in this case, via the "Fallen Priest" alternate career) to you immediatly gain the powers?

Or do you need to obtain them via adventuring and reasearch? and the 3x WB is just the max you can have?

The more i read the talent, the more confused i become.

" Characters, however, can only fill these power slots by seeking and mastering the rituals independently, either by dangerous experimentation, ancient lore, or dark bargains, and cannot be develop them naturally. " - I think it is quite obvious that the players don't get powers immediatly.

Max number of powers is WBx3 unless you take Minor/Major Arcana Talent.

Bear in mind, a psyker is developing a natural talent. A Sorceror is learning specific rituals to duplicate these effects. That's why he's got to acquire powers one-by-one but also why he's not restricted by disciplines in any way.

I might let a player take one power - there obviously has to be something that qualifies you as a sorceror, and unlike a 'natural' psyker you don't get psynicience by default - but that's it. You have to acquire your WP bonus x 3 powers over time, with more investment of effort and XP.

(Personally, that's what I assumed the Minor/Major Arcana talents were for, not for 'extra' powers. I may be wrong, though)

Yeah, thats how i have come to read it as well, unfortunatly there are no XP costs for the first lot of powers, thats why i thought you get that amount to start.

Description of Arcana talents says: " over the amount usually allowed ".. I can not think of any other explanation other than " in addition to WBx3 ".

The only problem is that it never mentions if the " amount usually allowed " starts off from when the talent is first gained, as aprt of the training that would have been nessessary to gain the talent in the first place, or are gained after the talent. If gained after gaining the talent "Sorcerer" then it would be expected to have an XP cost.


We ended up house ruleing this one, the initial powers that you gain access to when you first choose the "Sorcerer" talent, cost half the listed amount for "Minor" and "Major" arcana, up to your max number as defined by your WB. After this you may gain extras at full cost for "Minor" or "Major" arcana powers.

EG; Bob the Cleric, chooses "Sorcerer" for 200 XP, with his WB of 4, he may have up to 12 "Minor" arcana, or 6 "Major" arcana, these would cost 100 XP, and 150 XP respectivly, after this maximum, they would be 200 and 300 as per usual.

I still think this needs some work, but seems to be holding up so far.