Blood Eagles
Founding Chapter: Blood Angels
Founding: Unknown thought to be 19th
Chapter Master: Huitzli Litpoca
Homeworld: Azlant
Fortress-Monastery: The Black Star
Colours: Green, Black, Red and Gold
Specialty: Assault
Strength: 8 companies
Battle Cry: “Blood for the emperor”
Homeworld: Aztlant is a forbidden planet located in the outer rim of eye of terror. The Aztlanti are a fierce brown skinned people who build great pyramids and cities despite their barbaric nature. The Aztlanti cities war constantly with each other at the behest of their shamans and openly practice blood sacrifice to the emperor. Once a year the Blood Eagles descend to their fortress temple in mass as the young boys from each city are sent to fight in gladiatorial duels to see who are chosen.
To reach the great temple the young men must travel through the jungles fending off attacks from mindless savages and the feared Aztlant Jaguar, a creature whose speed, stealth and might are even cause for concern to lone space marines and the mighty constrictor snakes who reach up to 30m in length.
The boys who survive and aren’t chosen often return home to become Shamans of their city leading the next generations into the bloody service of the emperor. The Blood Eagles live on Aztlant’s only moon and it is dominated by their fortress.
History: Administratum records first record the Blood Eagles in M36 as part of the confederation of light fighting alongside the other Astartes under Sebastian Thor’s banner. At the time they were a fleet based chapter and it wasn’t until later that they took over the world of Aztlant.
The Blood Eagle’s aren’t widely known due to the fact that most of their crusades take them far outside of the Imperium striking at enemies of man before they can march on the Imperium before they joined their brothers in helping to defend against the threats from the eye of terror.
Founding: 19th.
Recent History:
758.M41 the whole 2 nd company was lost during a fight against the world eaters lead by the vile Kharn.
815.M41 the Blood angels have given their 3 rd company to the Achilus crusade and have sent their first troops to the deathwatch to honour the ancient oaths.
While they are a codex chapter they differ in one main way. They have no scout company their scouts are chosen and trained from their tactical marines and all don the mantle of the Jaguar Warriors like their ancestors.
The veterans of the company are arranged as the Eagle Warriors who don feathered capes from the great Quetzals, Giant colorful birds from Aztlant.
Like their founding chapter they have a death company for the black rage and the red thirst grip them as bad as it does the Blood Angels.
Chapter Trappings:
The Tradition weapon of the Aztlanti is sometimes compared to the sword, and it is a powerful, close combat weapon. Made from wood with shards of flint on Aztlant the Blood Eagles make theirs from Ceramite with Blades of Adamantine.
Maquahuitl, Melee, 1d10+3R, pen 3, Tearing, Wgt 3, req 3,
Azlanti Icons Icons
These emblems often crafted of gold embody the strange beliefs of the Azlanti
Jaguar: +3 to stealth rolls
Sun: +3 to command rolls
Quetzal: +2 to WP
Blood Eagles characters
+5 Weapon Skill, +5 Agility, -5 fellowship
Talent: Flesh Render
Demeanour: Blood for the Emperor
The Aztlanti are bloody people and this crosses over to the Blood Eagles and is enhanced through the red thirst they gain from their founding chapter. This causes them to seem intense and short tempered outside of battle and only when the blood of their enemies stains their armor do the Blood Eagles seem at peace with their inner rage and only to feel the hunger worse once the battle is through.
Blood Eagles us the same solo mode and squad mode abilities as their parent chapter.
Edited by BrotherHuitztli