Tips on BFG Conversions?

By venkelos, in Rogue Trader

So, in another thread, regarding the Ramilies Star-Fort, I commented on potential stats for the Blackstone Fortresses. I then said to myself "wait, maybe you could do this yourself" and went and found the stats for both variants of that august space station. As I sat in to start postulating stuff, that is when I noticed that some things are different, and other things are DIFFERENT. There are things in RT that I assume the BFG game never needed to care about (Maneuver, Detection range, etc.), and then there are things that they both have, but I don't know the scale to change it. The Lunar Cruiser has Armor 20 in the book, and 5+/6+ in the BFG. Does that mean that 5+ is 20, and then how much higher would 6+ be?

The point here is, I don't want to ask someone to make the transfer rules; I know people already have. What I would like is the location of those rules. Many ships have already been done, both officially and by fans, I know, but occasionally, something pops up.

As an aside, how might the set-up of the Blackstone Fortress affect its write-up of rules. In many respects, much of its stuff is "strapped on" to its superstructure, and sort of force-wired into its dormant power system. Abaddon's use might get all the cheese, but not the Imperium's, and I don't know how to say "it's bigger, but much of it isn't the part you consider a station." On the plus side, with the setting for RT being so far back, sort of, the Blackstone Fortresses still exist, even if they are all six in the Gothic Sector. Maybe one or two others were elsewhere.

There are things in RT that I assume the BFG game never needed to care about (Maneuver, Detection range, etc.), and then there are things that they both have, but I don't know the scale to change it. The Lunar Cruiser has Armor 20 in the book, and 5+/6+ in the BFG. Does that mean that 5+ is 20, and then how much higher would 6+ be?

I've used a similar "Rosetta Stone" approach to modify personal equipment by comparing it to tabletop stats. I think it would help greatly if you'd find one additional ship that is present in both rulesets, to get a feeling for how the values scale to each other. Manoeuver would, I think, translate to the turning speed the ships have in BFG. Detection is something you may have to make up via gut feeling, but I don't think this should prove to be much of a problem - get an idea for what the average is in RT, and then provide bonuses or penalties depending on the sensor quality/reliability of whatever ship you want to build.

Good luck!

Yup, Turning is the BfG equivalent of Maneuver. Looking at other ships- a 6+ in BfG is available at roughly 24 armour in RT (the 6+ fore armour is explicitly equivalent to adding the Armoured Prow component... and is borne out by a flick through BfK to compare other ship classes). I should stress, however, that the 20=5+, 24=6+ is very much approximate, as a number of ships in BfG have the 5+ armour, that in RT would have an armour as low as 12, while the Cobra destroyer, with an RT Armour stat of 15 is in the BfG 4+ armour band, a distinction it shares with the Iconoclast (RT Armour 14), eldar ships (RT armour 12-15 depending on class), and any ork vessel below "kroozer" size (except from the front, where they have a 6+) (RT Armour 22 or 23 prow/ 15 or 16 other).

It's very much gut feeling, I'm afraid.